home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1997-07-08 | 59.8 KB | 1,430 lines |
- ! $Id: Idl,v 1.63 1997/03/12 21:55:37 lubos Exp $
- !
- ! This application defaults file controls IDL and Idlde (a Motif based
- ! GUI interface to the IDL command line).
- idlde.title: IDL Development Environment
- idlde.iconName: idlde
- idlde.colors: -10
- Idl.retain: 1
- Idl.graphicsWindowWidth: 640
- Idl.graphicsWindowHeight: 512
- Idl.graphicsWindow14Screen: True
- !
- ! Idl only (non DE) resources
- !
- Idl.colors: -10
- #ifdef sun
- !
- ! Motif Sun IDL. Make the Delete key work in text widgets.
- !
- Idl*XmText.translations: #override \n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- #endif
- ! Size, resize behavior of the File Selection box, dialog_pickfile()
- Idl*XmFileSelectionBox.resizePolicy: XmRESIZE_GROW
- Idl*XmFileSelectionBox.width: 400
- !
- !
- !
- ! X Window applications are configured and customized by a large number
- ! of resources. Idlde is a Motif application, so resources that control
- ! it are described in the "OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference". To efficiently
- ! use the information in that manual still requires the following
- ! information:
- !
- ! - The widgets used.
- ! - The resource names assigned to those widgets.
- !
- ! This information can be obtained by rest of this file. These are the
- ! resource settings used by Idlde to achive its default appearance
- ! and behavior.
- !
- ! We want you to be able to change Idlde to your liking by setting
- ! resources. For this reason, we encourage you to look at the definitions
- ! in this file and add your own resources to your $HOME/.idlde file to modify
- ! them. If you do not use Idlde, set the appropriate resources in your
- ! .Xdefaults files using "Idl" class name.
- ! However, please be aware of the following:
- !
- ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! | RSI makes no commitment to maintain the widget types or names |
- ! | used by Idlde from release to release. Such a commitment would |
- ! | severely limit our ability to improve the product or fix problems. |
- ! | Please be aware that your customizations may need adjustment between |
- ! | IDL releases. |
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! In order to allow standard IDL resources to also apply to Idlde, the
- ! top level resource class name of the program is still "Idl". Idlde is
- ! thus referred to as "Idl*idlde".
- ! In order to allow standard IDL resources to apply to Idl (e.g. Idl widgets),
- ! the top level resource class name of the program is "Idl". The resources
- ! should be specified using class name "Idl*...".
- !
- ! In order to specify resources for a widget, you need to know its
- ! class name or resource name. The resource names can be determined by
- ! reading the section of file relating to the desired widget. This table
- ! gives class information for the widgets:
- !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Item Class Name
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Menubar XmRowColumn
- ! All buttons and menu items XmPushButton
- ! Control XmRowColumn
- ! Text widgets XmText
- ! Prompt XmLabelWidget
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! The full layout of the idlde consist of the following areas:
- !
- ! - menubar
- ! - control panel with buttons used as shortcuts for commonly entered
- ! commands.
- ! - file view panel (in single window editor mode), or multiple
- ! top level file view windows
- ! - command panel with log window and prompt window
- !
- ! Those areas can be managed (shown or hidden) by setting the following
- ! resources:
- !
- !
- ! If multiWindowEdit is set to True, each of the edited/debugged files
- ! is displayed in the separate top level window. If set to False,
- ! the edited/debugged files are displayed in only one edit view panel
- ! (see above).
- !
- idlde*multiWindowEdit: False
- idlde*multiWindowEdit*editor*text*rows: 40
- idlde*multiWindowEdit*editor*text*columns: 80
- !
- ! The panel below the menu bar is called the "View Panel". This panel
- ! contains an edited/debugged files, only one of which is
- ! ever visible at a given time. It is possible to hide the view panel
- ! completely from the Window menu. This resource controls whether
- ! the view is visible at startup.
- !
- idlde*hideView: False
- !
- ! It is possible to hide the control panel completely from the
- ! Window menu. This resource controls whether the control panel is visible at
- ! startup.
- !
- idlde*control*hideControl: False
- !
- ! Below the Control and View panel is located Command panel, which contains
- ! LOG and Prompt windows. It is possible to hide the Command panel completely
- ! from the Window menu.This resource controls whether the Command panel
- ! is visible at startup.
- idlde*hideCommand: False
- !
- ! If following resource is set to True, the files are initially
- ! open as read only. The status of the resource can be dynamically
- ! changed from Window menu for the currently displayed file
- ! and form the Preferences dialog for any next file(s) to be opened.
- idlde*readOnly: False
- !
- ! There are two other interesting areas for customization:
- !
- ! - Control panel buttons can be added, or deleted. See control panel
- ! resources below. Control panel buttons can use action routines.
- !
- ! - External Tools menu items can be added or deleted. See Macros menu
- ! below.
- !
- !
- ! Action Routines:
- ! ----------------
- !
- ! Most of the Motif widgets supply functions that can be bound to
- ! events (like keypress events) to manipulate the widget. For example,
- ! the Motif text widget provides "end-of-line", which you can see
- ! is bound to Ctrl-E in the command widget below. This causes the
- ! insertion point to move to the end of the line when ^E is pressed.
- !
- ! Action routines can also be used to define the command for
- ! the Control Panel button(s) by using idlAction resource.
- !
- ! In addition to the action routines provided by Motif, IDL provides
- ! several functions that can be bound to events in the same way:
- !
- ! IdlExit - Causes Idlde to act as if the EXIT command has
- ! been entered. Note that this is usually tied to
- ! a menu accelerator (Ctrl-Q in this case), so this
- ! routine is rarely called directly.
- !
- ! IdlInterrupt - Causes Idlde to recieve an interrupt. Note
- ! that this is usually tied to Ctrl-C as a menu accelerator.
- !
- ! IdlRecallCommand - Recalls previously entered commands into the
- ! command widget. It should be called with one argument,
- ! either "BACK" or "FORWARD", to indicate the direction of
- ! the recall. For example, in the command widget:
- !
- ! <Key>osfUp: IdlRecallCommand(BACK)\n
- !
- ! IdlClearLog - Erases the the log window contents.
- !
- ! IdlFunctionKey - Allows entry of an IDL command into the input
- ! command stream. It is typically used to tie IDL commands
- ! to function keys. For example:
- !
- ! <Key>F5: IdlFunctionKey("print, 'F5 pressed'")\n
- !
- ! IdlSearch - Starts the search dialog, for searching the
- ! current contents of the View Panel.
- ! One of the following otional arguments may be used:
- !
- ! FIND - displays search dialog (default)
- ! FINDAGAIN - find next occurence of the string
- ! FINDSELECTION - find next occurence of the current selection
- ! ENTERSELECTION - enter current selection as a next search
- ! string
- ! REPLACE - replace the search string, with replace string
- ! REPLACEFIND - find next occurence of the search string, and
- ! replace it with the replace string
- !
- ! IdlClearView - clears the contents of the current view panel
- !
- ! IdlControlHide - Hides or exposes the control panel. It should be
- ! called with one argument set to "SHOW", "HIDE", or
- ! "TOGGLE".
- !
- ! IdlViewHide - Hides or exposes the view panel. It should be
- ! called with one argument set to "SHOW", "HIDE", or
- ! "TOGGLE".
- !
- ! IdlCommandHide - Hides or exposes the command (log+prompt) panel.
- ! It should be called with one argument set to "SHOW",
- ! "HIDE", or "TOGGLE".
- !
- ! IdlFile - handles file menu functions. The first paremeter controls
- ! the function:
- ! NEW - Create a new IDL source file.
- ! OPEN - Open an existing file.
- ! SAVE - Save the active file.
- ! PRINT - Print the contents of the active window.
- !
- ! IdlEdit - handles edit menu functions. The first paremeter controls
- ! the function:
- !
- ! UNDO - undo the last editing change.
- ! REDO - Redo the last undo.
- ! CUT - Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
- ! COPY - Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
- ! PASTE - Insert Clipboard contents.
- ! SELECTALL - select the whole contents of the view area.
- ! GOTODEF - Go to the source file line defining the selected
- ! routine (if compiled).
- ! GOTOLINE - Go to a line of text in the active file.
- !
- ! IdlWindows - handles windows menu functions. The first paremeter
- ! controls the function:
- !
- ! CASCADE - Arrange windows so they overlap.
- ! TILE - Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles.
- ! MULTI - Display files in multiple windows.
- ! SINGLE - Display files in single window.
- !
- ! IdlCompile - Compiles file in the currently active source window.
- ! It should be called with one argument set to "FILE"
- ! (default) if to compile from the current file,
- ! "TEMPORARY" if to compile from Idlde into
- ! the temporary file, or "RESOLVE" if to resolve
- ! all the referenced and uncompiled IDL routines.
- !
- ! IdlRun - Runs application with the name derived from the
- ! file in the currently active source window.
- !
- ! IdlReset - Resets (RETALL) IDL environment.
- !
- ! IdlStep - Issues one of the statements controlling execution.
- ! It should be called with one argument set to:
- ! INTO - execute one statement from to current position; steps into
- ! IDL procedures, functions
- ! OVER - execute one statement from to current position; steps over
- ! IDL procedures, functions (default - without params)
- ! OUT - continue execution until current routine returns
- ! SKIP - skip next statement and execute following statement
- ! CONTINUE - continue execution of the stopped program
- ! TOCURSOR - continue execution to the cursor
- ! TORETURN - continue execution until current routine returns;
- ! stop before RETURN
- !
- ! IdlBreakpoint - Issues one of the statements controlling breakpoints.
- ! If no parameter is specified, sets the breakpoint on the
- ! current line.
- ! It should be called with one argument set to:
- ! SET - set the breakpoint on the current line
- ! CLEAR - clear the breakpoint on the current line
- ! TOGGLE - toggle (SET or CLEAR) the state of the breakpoint on the
- ! current line
- ! COMPLEX - display breakpoint dialog to set complex breakpoint
- ! LIST - list currently set breakpoints
- !
- ! IdlListStack - Display current nesting of the procedures and
- ! functions (calling stack).
- !
- ! IdlTrace - display dialogs box to control program tracing.
- !
- !
- ! Basic IDLDE Resources:
- !
- ! Set reasonable foreground, background color for idlde and Idl
- !
- idlde*background: LightGrey
- Idl*background: LightGrey
- Idl*foreground: Black
- ! This resource setting makes "9x15" the default for all textual widgets
- ! in Idlde. This font was selected because it is reasonably good looking,
- ! is a fixed width font, and is certain to be available on any system.
- !
- idlde*fontList: 9x15
- !
- ! When the user quits the Idlde session, this resource determines
- ! whether it displays the "Confirm Exit" dialog to give the user
- ! a second chance.
- !
- ! If you're an expert user and not afraid of a little data loss now and
- ! then, setting this resource to False will make Idlde quit without
- ! the confirmation.
- !
- idlde*confirmExit: True
- ! If "saveOnExit" resource is set to true, preferences are saved on exit
- ! automatically. If not set, preferences has to be saved explicitely
- ! from Preferences dialog.
- !
- idlde*saveOnExit: False
- ! If set to true, all Xt Intrinsics Warning messages are supressed.
- !
- idlde*suppressWarning: True
- ! If set to true, the RSI splash screen is dispayed on startup.
- !
- idlde*showSplashScreen: True
- ! When Idlde starts up, it can automatically drop into the background
- ! divert its stdin to /dev/null, and detach itself from its parent
- ! session leader. This is usually what you want, because Idlde is an
- ! X Window application and doesn't work in a traditional Unix pipeline.
- ! (Note that regular IDL is better suited for that, so nothing is lost.)
- ! If you want to disable this action, set backgroundIdl to False
- !
- idlde*backgroundIdl: True
- ! Main Idlde help context
- idlde*help.text: 13000
- !
- !
- ! The default Motif background color makes it a little
- ! difficult to read lots of text. This resource makes all text
- ! widgets in Idlde use white instead. Since the foreground color
- ! might be white, we specify that explicitly too.
- !
- idlde*XmText*background: white
- idlde*XmTextField*background: white
- idlde*XmText*foreground: black
- idlde*XmTextField*foreground: black
- ! Idlde window icon
- !
- idlde*mainIconPixmap: idlde
- idlde*promptIconPixmap: smicon
- !
- ! The Idlde menu bar is named "menubar". Resources are used to configure
- ! almost everything about the menubar, including labels, mnemonics, and
- ! accelerators. If you don't like a given attribute, you can easily
- ! override it in your own .idlde file.
- !
- ! The FILE Menu
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*labelString: File
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*mnemonic: l
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*labelString: New
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*mnemonic: N
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>N
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+N
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*hint.text: Create a new IDL source file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*labelString: Open...
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*mnemonic: O
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>O
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+O
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*hint.text: Open an existing file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*closeFile*labelString: Close
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*closeFile*mnemonic: C
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*closeFile*hint.text: Close the active file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*labelString: Save
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*mnemonic: S
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>s
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+S
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*hint.text: Save the active file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*labelString: Save As...
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*mnemonic: A
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>w
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+W
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*hint.text: Save the active file with a new name.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*revertToSavedFile*labelString: Revert To Saved
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*revertToSavedFile*mnemonic: R
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*revertToSavedFile*hint.text: Reload the active file from disk.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*labelString: Print...
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*mnemonic: P
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>P
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+P
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*hint.text: Print the contents of the active window.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*pageSetup*labelString: Print Setup...
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*pageSetup*mnemonic: t
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*pageSetup*hint.text: Change the printer and printing options.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*preferences*labelString: Preferences...
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*preferences*mnemonic: f
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*preferences*hint.text: Customize the IDL kernel and user interface.
- !
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*labelString: Exit
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*mnemonic: E
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>q
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*acceleratorText: Ctrl+Q
- idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*hint.text: Quit IDL Development Environment.
- !
- ! The EDIT menu
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*labelString: Edit
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*mnemonic: d
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*labelString: Undo
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*mnemonic: U
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*accelerator: Meta<Key>Z
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*acceleratorText: Alt+Z
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*hint.text: Undo the last action.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*labelString: Redo
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*mnemonic: R
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*accelerator: Meta<Key>Y
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*acceleratorText: Alt+Y
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*hint.text: Redo the previously undone action.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*labelString: Cut
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*mnemonic: t
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*accelerator: Meta<Key>x
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*acceleratorText: Alt+X
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*hint.text: Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*labelString: Copy
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*mnemonic: C
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*accelerator: Meta<Key>c
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*acceleratorText: Alt+C
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*hint.text: Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*labelString: Paste
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*mnemonic: P
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*accelerator: Meta<Key>v
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*acceleratorText: Alt+V
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*hint.text: Insert Clipboard contents.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*labelString: Delete
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*mnemonic: D
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*accelerator: <Key>Del
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*acceleratorText: Del
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*hint.text: Delete the current selection.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*selectall*labelString: Select All
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*selectall*mnemonic: S
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*selectall*hint.text: Select the entire contents of the active window.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clear*labelString: Clear All
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clear*mnemonic: l
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clear*hint.text: Delete the entire contents of the active window.
- !
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*labelString: Clear Log
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*mnemonic: e
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>y
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*acceleratorText: Ctrl+Y
- idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*hint.text: Delete the entire contents of the log window.
- !
- ! The SEARCH menu
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*labelString: Search
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*mnemonic: e
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*labelString: Find...
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*mnemonic: F
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*accelerator: Meta<Key>f
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*acceleratorText: Alt+F
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*hint.text: Find the search text.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*labelString: Find Again
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*mnemonic: n
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*accelerator: Meta<Key>g
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*acceleratorText: Alt+G
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*hint.text: Find the next instance of the search text.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*labelString: Find Selection
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*mnemonic: i
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*accelerator: Meta<Key>i
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*acceleratorText: Alt+I
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*hint.text: Find the selected text.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*labelString: Enter Selection
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*mnemonic: t
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*accelerator: Meta<Key>t
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*acceleratorText: Alt+T
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*hint.text: Enter the selected text as the search text.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*labelString: Replace...
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*mnemonic: R
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*accelerator: Meta<Key>r
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*acceleratorText: Alt+R
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*hint.text: Replace the search text with the replacement text.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*labelString: Replace & Find
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*mnemonic: p
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*accelerator: Meta<Key>p
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*acceleratorText: Alt+P
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*hint.text: Replace the next instance of the search text with the replacement text.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*labelString: Go To Line...
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*mnemonic: G
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>G
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*acceleratorText: Ctrl+G
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*hint.text: Go to a line of text in the active file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*labelString: Go To Definition
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*mnemonic: o
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>t
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*acceleratorText: Ctrl+T
- idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*hint.text: Go to the source file line defining the selected routine (if compiled).
- !
- ! The RUN menu
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*labelString: Run
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*mnemonic: u
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*labelString: Compile
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*mnemonic: C
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>F5
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F5
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*hint.text: Compile the active source file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*labelString: Compile from Memory
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*mnemonic: M
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>F6
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F6
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*hint.text: Compile the active source file in memory.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*labelString: Run
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*mnemonic: R
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*accelerator: <Key>F5
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*acceleratorText: F5
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*hint.text: Execute the active source file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*labelString: Resolve Dependencies
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*accelerator: Meta<Key>F5
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*acceleratorText: Alt+F5
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*hint.text: Compile any uncompiled dependent user-written or library procedures or functions.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*labelString: Go
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*mnemonic: G
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*accelerator: <Key>F6
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*acceleratorText: F6
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*hint.text: Start or resume execution of the active source file.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*labelString: Break
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*mnemonic: B
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>C
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*acceleratorText: Ctrl+C
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*hint.text: Stop execution of the current code.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*labelString: Reset
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*mnemonic: s
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>R
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*acceleratorText: Ctrl+R
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*hint.text: Stop execution of the current code and return to the main programming level.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*labelString: Step Into
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*mnemonic: I
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*accelerator: <Key>F8
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*acceleratorText: F8
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*hint.text: Step into the next statement.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*labelString: Step Over
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*mnemonic: v
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*accelerator: <Key>F10
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*acceleratorText: F10
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*hint.text: Execute the next statement.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*labelString: Step Out
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*mnemonic: O
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>F8
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F8
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*hint.text: Execute the current routine and return to the calling routine.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*labelString: Run To Cursor
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*mnemonic: n
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*accelerator: <Key>F7
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*acceleratorText: F7
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*hint.text: Execute statements up to the line containing the cursor.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*labelString: Run To Return
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*mnemonic: u
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>F7
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F7
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*hint.text: Execute the current routine until just before returning.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*labelString: Set Breakpoint
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*mnemonic: k
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*accelerator: <Key>F9
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*acceleratorText: F9
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*hint.text: Set a breakpoint at the current statement.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*labelString: Clear Breakpoint
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*mnemonic: e
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*accelerator: Ctrl<Key>F9
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F9
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*hint.text: Clear a breakpoint at the current statement.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*complexbreak*labelString: Set Complex Breakpoint...
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*complexbreak*mnemonic: x
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*complexbreak*hint.text: Set a complex breakpoint at the current statement.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearallbreak*labelString: Clear All Breakpoints
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearallbreak*mnemonic: A
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearallbreak*hint.text: Clear all breakpoints that have been set.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*listbreak*labelString: List Breakpoints
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*listbreak*mnemonic: L
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*listbreak*hint.text: List the current breakpoints in the Output Log.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*animate*labelString: Trace...
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*animate*mnemonic: T
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*animate*hint.text: Trace execution of the current routine.
- !
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*liststack*labelString: List Call Stack
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*liststack*mnemonic: c
- idlde*menubar*runMenu*liststack*hint.text: List the current call stack in the Output Log.
- !
- ! The MACROS menu
- !
- idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*labelString: Macros
- idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*mnemonic: o
- idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*editmacro*labelString: Edit...
- idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*editmacro*mnemonic: E
- idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*editmacro*hint.text: Edit/Define User menu items and tool buttons.
- !
- ! The WINDOWS menu
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*labelString: Window
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu.mnemonic: n
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*readOnly*labelString: Read Only
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*readOnly*hint.text: Enable/Disable editing of the current file.
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*stagger*labelString: Cascade
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*stagger*mnemonic: s
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*stagger*hint.text: Arrange windows so they overlap.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*tile*labelString: Tile
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*tile*mnemonic: T
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*tile*hint.text: Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*closeAll*labelString: Close All
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*closeAll*mnemonic: l
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*closeAll*hint.text: Close all the open files.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showView*labelString: Show View
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showView*mnemonic: V
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showView*hint.text: Show the Editor window.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideView*labelString: Hide View
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideView*mnemonic: H
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideView*hint.text: Hide the Editor window.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showControl*labelString: Show Control
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showControl*mnemonic: C
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showControl*hint.text: Show the Toolbar.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideControl*labelString: Hide Control
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideControl*mnemonic: i
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideControl*hint.text: Hide the Toolbar.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showCommand*labelString: Show Command
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showCommand*mnemonic: m
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showCommand*hint.text: Show the Log and Prompt windows.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideCommand*labelString: Hide Command
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideCommand*mnemonic: d
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideCommand*hint.text: Hide the Log and Prompt windows.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*toolbar*labelString: Toolbar
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*toolbar.mnemonic: o
- !
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showStdMacros*labelString: Show Standard Tools
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showStdMacros*mnemonic: h
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showStdMacros*hint.text: Show the Standard Toolbar buttons.
- !
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideStdMacros*labelString: Hide Standard Tools
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideStdMacros*mnemonic: S
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideStdMacros*hint.text: Hide the Standard Toolbar buttons.
- !
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showRunMacros*labelString: Show Run&Debug Tools
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showRunMacros*mnemonic: h
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showRunMacros*hint.text: Show the Run&Debug Toolbar buttons.
- !
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideRunMacros*labelString: Hide Run&Debug Tools
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideRunMacros*mnemonic: S
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideRunMacros*hint.text: Hide the Run&Debug Toolbar buttons.
- !
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showUserMacros*labelString: Show Macros
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showUserMacros*mnemonic: h
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*showUserMacros*hint.text: Show the Macros Toolbar buttons.
- !
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideUserMacros*labelString: Hide Macros
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideUserMacros*mnemonic: S
- idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideUserMacros*hint.text: Hide the Macros Toolbar buttons.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*multiWindow*labelString: Multiple Windows
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*multiWindow*mnemonic: W
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*multiWindow*hint.text: Display files in multiple windows.
- !
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*singleWindow*labelString: Single Window
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*singleWindow*mnemonic: g
- idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*singleWindow*hint.text: Display files in single window.
- !
- ! The HELP menu
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*labelString: Help
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*mnemonic: H
- !
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*labelString: Help on IDL...
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*mnemonic: H
- !
- ! Servers without a Help key give undefined KEYSYM errors at startup
- !
- !idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*accelerator: <Key>Help
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*acceleratorText: Help
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*hint.text: Display the online documentation table of contents.
- !
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*ide*labelString: Help on IDE...
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*ide*mnemonic: I
- !
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*item*labelString: Help on Item...
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*item*mnemonic: n
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*item*hint.text: Search the online documentation for the selected item.
- !
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*topic*labelString: Find Topic...
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*topic*mnemonic: F
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*topic*hint.text: Search the online documentation for the selected topic.
- !
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*onhelp*labelString: Help On Help...
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*onhelp*mnemonic: O
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*onhelp*hint.text: Display information on how to use online help.
- !
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*about*labelString: About IDL...
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*about*mnemonic: A
- idlde*menubar*helpMenu*about*hint.text: Display IDL program, version, licensing, and copyright information.
- !
- ! The EDIT menu SEARCH dialog uses either an XmText or XmTextField
- ! widget depending on the version of Motif used by Idlde. These
- ! resources set reasonable key bindings for either.
- !
- idlde*searchDialog*XmText*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- !
- idlde*searchDialog*XmTextField*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- !
- ! The FILE menu OPEN and SAVE AS dialogs uses either an XmText or XmTextField
- ! widget depending on the version of Motif used by Idlde. These
- ! dialogs share the same resource name. These resources set reasonable
- ! key bindings for either.
- !
- idlde*fileDialog*XmText*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- !
- idlde*fileDialog*XmTextField*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- !
- ! Idlde File Dialogs Resources
- !
- idlde*fileOpenDialog*pattern: *.pro
- idlde*fileOpenDialog_popup*title: Open
- idlde*fileSaveAsDialog*pattern: *.pro
- idlde*fileSaveAsDialog_popup*title: Save As
- idlde*flushEditorDialog_popup*title: Save Editor Contents?
- idlde*flushEditorDialog*helpLabelString: No
- idlde*flushEditorDialog*messageString: The editor contains modified text that will be\nlost unless you save it now.\n\nSave Current Changes?
- idlde*writeFailedDialog_popup*title: Editor Write Failure Warning
- idlde*writeFailedDialog*messageString: Failed to save editor contents to file:\nAborting requested operation:\n\n
- !
- ! Set the length and key bindings for the editor panel.
- !
- idlde*editor*text*rows: 20
- idlde*editor*text*columns: 80
- idlde*editor*text*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>Return: newline-and-indent()\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- Ctrl Shift<Btn1Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn1Up>: IdlBreakpoint(TOGGLE)\n\
- Ctrl Shift<Btn2Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn2Up>: IdlBreakpoint(CLEARALL)\n\
- Ctrl Shift<Btn3Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn3Up>: IdlBreakpoint(COMPLEX)\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- idlde*multiWindowEdit*editor*text*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>Return: newline-and-indent()\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- Ctrl Shift<Btn1Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn1Up>: IdlBreakpoint(TOGGLE)\n\
- Ctrl Shift<Btn2Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn2Up>: IdlBreakpoint(CLEARALL)\n\
- Ctrl Shift<Btn3Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn3Up>: IdlBreakpoint(COMPLEX)\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>n: IdlFile(NEW)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>o: IdlFile(OPEN)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>s: IdlFile(SAVE)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>p: IdlFile(PRINT)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>q: IdlExit()\n\
- Alt<Key>z: IdlEdit(UNDO)\n\
- Alt<Key>y: IdlEdit(REDO)\n\
- Alt<Key>x: IdlEdit(CUT)\n\
- Alt<Key>c: IdlEdit(COPY)\n\
- Alt<Key>v: IdlEdit(PASTE)\n\
- Alt<Key>f: IdlSearch(FIND)\n\
- Alt<Key>g: IdlSearch(FINDAGAIN)\n\
- Alt<Key>i: IdlSearch(FINDSELECTION)\n\
- Alt<Key>t: IdlSearch(ENTERSELECTION)\n\
- Alt<Key>r: IdlSearch(REPLACE)\n\
- Alt<Key>p: IdlSearch(REPLACEFIND)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>g: IdlEdit(GOTOLINE)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>t: IdlEdit(GOTODEF)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>F5: IdlCompile(FILE)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>F6: IdlCompile(TEMPORARY)\n\
- <Key>F5: IdlRun()\n\
- Alt<Key>F5: IdlCompile(RESOLVE)\n\
- <Key>F6: IdlStep(CONTINUE)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>c: IdlInterrupt()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>r: IdlReset()\n\
- <Key>F8: IdlStep(INTO)\n\
- <Key>F10: IdlStep(OVER)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>F8: IdlStep(OUT)\n\
- <Key>F7: IdlStep(TOCURSOR)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>F7: IdlStep(TORETURN)\n\
- <Key>F9: IdlBreakpoint(SET)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>F9: IdlBreakpoint(CLEAR)\n
- idlde*editor*modifiedLabel*labelString: (Modified)
- idlde*editor*fileLabel*labelString: Untitled
- idlde*noFileLabel: Untitled
- idlde*editor*text*help.text: 13110
- !
- ! Don't allow the editor filename and mode labels to be pinned against
- ! the left edge of the status bar.
- !
- idlde*editor*status*filename*leftOffset: 10
- idlde*editor*status*mode*leftOffset: 10
- !
- ! Below the Menubar is the Control Panel. It has the resource name
- ! "control". This bar is a RowColumn widget containing buttons. These
- ! buttons are used by the user as short cuts for commonly entered
- ! commands. The buttons and the commands they send are entirely
- ! configurable from resources. You can easily add your own by adding a
- ! few lines to your .idlde file.
- !
- ! The idlCommand resource is used to define an IDL command that gets
- ! entered into the input command stream when the button is pressed.
- ! You can use % escapes similar to printf(3) to include certain
- ! types of information into the command:
- !
- ! %S - The text for the current selection.
- ! %F - The filename associated with the currently visible
- ! View Panel.
- ! %P - The full path filename associated with the currently visible
- ! View Panel.
- ! %N - The base name of the filename (without path a suffix).
- ! %B - The base name of the filename (without path, but with a suffix)
- ! %L - the line number with the current insertion point.
- ! %% - inserts %
- !
- ! These resources control appearance of the control panel
- !
- idlde*control*adjustLast: False
- idlde*control*skipAdjust: True
- idlde*control*orientation: XmHORIZONTAL
- idlde*control*packing: XmPACK_TIGHT
- idlde*control*resizeWidth: True
- idlde*control*std.borderWidth: 1
- idlde*control*run.borderWidth: 1
- idlde*control*user.borderWidth: 1
- idlde*control*isAligned: False
- idlde*control*numColumns: 1
- !
- ! idlButtons controls the number and resource names of the buttons
- ! in the control panel. The resources following that define labels
- ! and IDL commands.
- !
- ! Note. To switch to label (text) buttons set labelType to XmSTRING.
- ! To switch to icon (graphics) buttons set labelType to XmPIXMAP.
- !
- idlde*control*labelType: XmPIXMAP
- idlde*control*idlButtonsStd: new open save print separator undo redo cut copy paste find cascade tile
- !
- idlde*control*std.new*labelPixmap: new
- idlde*control*std.new*labelString: New
- idlde*control*std.new*idlAction: IdlFile(NEW)
- idlde*control*std.new*hint.text: Create a new IDL source file.
- idlde*control*std.new*tip.text: New source file.
- !
- idlde*control*std.open*labelPixmap: open
- idlde*control*std.open*labelString: Open
- idlde*control*std.open*idlAction: IdlFile(OPEN)
- idlde*control*std.open*hint.text: Open an existing file.
- idlde*control*std.open*tip.text: Open a file.
- !
- idlde*control*std.save*labelPixmap: save
- idlde*control*std.save*labelString: Save
- idlde*control*std.save*idlAction: IdlFile(SAVE)
- idlde*control*std.save*hint.text: Save the active file.
- idlde*control*std.save*tip.text: Save the file.
- !
- idlde*control*std.print*labelPixmap: print
- idlde*control*std.print*labelString: Print
- idlde*control*std.print*idlAction: IdlFile(PRINT)
- idlde*control*std.print*hint.text: Print the contents of the active window.
- idlde*control*std.print*tip.text: Print the window.
- !
- idlde*control*std.undo*labelPixmap: undo
- idlde*control*std.undo*labelString: Undo
- idlde*control*std.undo*idlAction: IdlEdit(UNDO)
- idlde*control*std.undo*hint.text: Undo the last action.
- idlde*control*std.undo*tip.text: Undo the action.
- !
- idlde*control*std.redo*labelPixmap: redo
- idlde*control*std.redo*labelString: Redo
- idlde*control*std.redo*idlAction: IdlEdit(REDO)
- idlde*control*std.redo*hint.text: Redo the previously undone action.
- idlde*control*std.redo*tip.text: Redo the undone action.
- !
- idlde*control*std.cut*labelPixmap: cut
- idlde*control*std.cut*labelString: Cut
- idlde*control*std.cut*idlAction: IdlEdit(CUT)
- idlde*control*std.cut*hint.text: Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
- idlde*control*std.cut*tip.text: Cut the selection.
- !
- idlde*control*std.copy*labelPixmap: copy
- idlde*control*std.copy*labelString: Copy
- idlde*control*std.copy*idlAction: IdlEdit(COPY)
- idlde*control*std.copy*hint.text: Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
- idlde*control*std.copy*tip.text: Copy the selection.
- !
- idlde*control*std.paste*labelPixmap: paste
- idlde*control*std.paste*labelString: Paste
- idlde*control*std.paste*idlAction: IdlEdit(PASTE)
- idlde*control*std.paste*hint.text: Insert Clipboard contents.
- idlde*control*std.paste*tip.text: Insert Clipboard contents.
- !
- idlde*control*std.find*labelPixmap: search
- idlde*control*std.find*labelString: Search
- idlde*control*std.find*idlAction: IdlSearch(FIND)
- idlde*control*std.find*hint.text: Find the search text.
- idlde*control*std.find*tip.text: Find the search text.
- !
- idlde*control*std.cascade*labelPixmap: cascade
- idlde*control*std.cascade*labelString: Cascade
- idlde*control*std.cascade*idlAction: IdlWindows(CASCADE)
- idlde*control*std.cascade*hint.text: Arrange windows so they overlap.
- idlde*control*std.cascade*tip.text: Arrange windows to overlap.
- !
- idlde*control*std.tile*labelPixmap: tileh
- idlde*control*std.tile*labelString: Tile
- idlde*control*std.tile*idlAction: IdlWindows(TILE)
- idlde*control*std.tile*hint.text: Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles.
- idlde*control*std.tile*tip.text: Arrange windows to tile.
- !
- idlde*control*idlButtonsRun: compile exe step next stepout continue break reset stopat stopcplx listbkpt liststk
- idlde*control*run.compile*labelPixmap: compile
- idlde*control*run.compile*labelString: Compile
- idlde*control*run.compile*idlAction: IdlCompile()
- idlde*control*run.compile*hint.text: Compile the active source file.
- idlde*control*run.compile*tip.text: Compile the source file.
- !
- idlde*control*run.exe*labelPixmap: run
- idlde*control*run.exe*labelString: Run
- idlde*control*run.exe*idlAction: IdlRun()
- idlde*control*run.exe*hint.text: Execute the active source file.
- idlde*control*run.exe*tip.text: Execute the source file.
- !
- idlde*control*run.step*labelPixmap: stepinto
- idlde*control*run.step*labelString: Step
- idlde*control*run.step*idlAction: IdlStep(INTO)
- idlde*control*run.step*hint.text: Step into the next statement.
- idlde*control*run.step*tip.text: Step into the statement.
- !
- idlde*control*run.next*labelPixmap: stepover
- idlde*control*run.next*labelString: Next
- idlde*control*run.next*idlAction: IdlStep(OVER)
- idlde*control*run.next*hint.text: Execute the next statement.
- idlde*control*run.next*tip.text: Execute the statement.
- !
- idlde*control*run.stepout*labelPixmap: stepout
- idlde*control*run.stepout*labelString: Step Out
- idlde*control*run.stepout*idlAction: IdlStep(OUT)
- idlde*control*run.stepout*hint.text: Execute the current routine and return to the calling routine.
- idlde*control*run.stepout*tip.text: Execute to the calling routine.
- !
- idlde*control*run.continue*labelPixmap: go
- idlde*control*run.continue*labelString: Go
- idlde*control*run.continue*idlAction: IdlStep(CONTINUE)
- idlde*control*run.continue*hint.text: Start or resume execution of the active source file.
- idlde*control*run.continue*tip.text: Start or resume execution.
- !
- idlde*control*run.stopat*labelPixmap: setbkpt
- idlde*control*run.stopat*labelString: Stop At
- idlde*control*run.stopat*idlAction: IdlBreakpoint(TOGGLE)
- idlde*control*run.stopat*hint.text: Toggle (Set/Clear) a breakpoint at the current statement.
- idlde*control*run.stopat*tip.text: Toggle (Set/Clear) a breakpoint.
- !
- idlde*control*run.stopcplx*labelPixmap: setcbkpt
- idlde*control*run.stopcplx*labelString: Complex Break
- idlde*control*run.stopcplx*idlAction: IdlBreakpoint(COMPLEX)
- idlde*control*run.stopcplx*hint.text: Set a complex breakpoint at the current statement.
- idlde*control*run.stopcplx*tip.text: Set a complex breakpoint.
- !
- idlde*control*run.listbkpt*labelPixmap: listbkpt
- idlde*control*run.listbkpt*labelString: List Break
- idlde*control*run.listbkpt*idlAction: IdlBreakpoint(LIST)
- idlde*control*run.listbkpt*hint.text: List the current breakpoints in the Output Log.
- idlde*control*run.listbkpt*tip.text: List the current breakpoints.
- !
- idlde*control*run.liststk*labelPixmap: liststk
- idlde*control*run.liststk*labelString: List Stack
- idlde*control*run.liststk*idlAction: IdlListStack
- idlde*control*run.liststk*hint.text: List the current call stack in the Output Log.
- idlde*control*run.liststk*tip.text: List the current call stack.
- !
- idlde*control*run.reset*labelPixmap: reset
- idlde*control*run.reset*labelString: Reset
- idlde*control*run.reset*idlAction: IdlReset()
- idlde*control*run.reset*hint.text: Stop execution of the current code and return to the main programming level.
- idlde*control*run.reset*tip.text: Stop execution and reset IDL.
- !
- idlde*control*run.break*labelPixmap: break
- idlde*control*run.break*labelString: Break
- idlde*control*run.break*foreground: red
- idlde*control*run.break*idlAction: IdlInterrupt()
- idlde*control*run.break*hint.text: Stop execution of the current code.
- idlde*control*run.break*tip.text: Stop execution.
- !
- ! The LOG window (resource name: "log") displays the output from the IDL
- ! session. It uses a scrolled text widget to retain a large amount of
- ! information. The logLines resource controls how many lines of text
- ! are remembered. When Idlde hitslogLines lines, the logTrimLines
- ! resource controls how many lines are removed from the end.
- !
- idlde*log*logLines: 500
- idlde*log*logTrimLines: 125
- idlde*log*columns: 80
- idlde*log*rows: 10
- idlde*log*logTitle: Log Window
- !
- ! The bottom panel contains the command widget (resource name: "command").
- ! This is where the user enters IDL commands.
- !
- ! Default bindings for command widget
- !
- idlde*command*translations: #override \n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>c: IdlInterrupt()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>q: IdlExit()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>k: delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>v: delete-previous-word()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>d: delete-next-character()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>y: IdlClearLog()\n\
- <Key>Up: IdlRecallCommand(BACK)\n\
- <Key>osfUp: IdlRecallCommand(BACK)\n\
- <Key>Down: IdlRecallCommand(FORWARD)\n\
- <Key>osfDown: IdlRecallCommand(FORWARD)\n\
- <Key>Left: backward-character()\n\
- <Key>Right: forward-character()\n\
- <Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>Delete: delete-previous-character()\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n
- !
- ! Status Bar - initial string
- !
- idlde*TopForm*hintLabel.labelString: Welcome to Idlde
- idlde*CommandForm*hint.text: Enter the IDL command.
- !
- ! About IDL dialog
- !
- idlde*about_popup*title: About IDL
- idlde*about*version.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
- idlde*about*install.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
- idlde*about*licensed.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
- idlde*about*copyright.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
- idlde*about*allrights.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
- idlde*about*restricted.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
- idlde*about*install.labelString: Installation Number:
- idlde*about*licensed.labelString: Licensed for use by:
- idlde*about*ok.labelString: OK
- idlde*about*restricted.labelString: \
- Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software is\n\
- subject to your license agreement with Research Systems, Inc. Government\n\
- use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restriction as set forth in\n\
- subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software\n\
- clause at DFAR 252.227-7013 and subparagraph (c)(2) of the Commercial\n\
- Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19.
- idlde*about*license.labelString: This product is licensed to:
- !
- ! Preferences dialogs
- !
- idlde*preferencesDialog_popup*title: Preferences
- idlde*preferencesDialog*ok*labelString: OK
- idlde*preferencesDialog*apply*labelString: Apply
- idlde*preferencesDialog*save*labelString: Save
- idlde*preferencesDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*preferencesDialog*help*labelString: Help
- idlde*preferencesDialog*label.labelString: * - will take effect in the next session
- idlde*preferencesDialog*help*help.text: 13050
- !
- idlde*preferencesDialog*generalPreferences*tabString: General
- idlde*generalPreferences*marginWidth: 2
- idlde*generalPreferences*marginHeight: 2
- idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP.labelString: Hide:
- idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP*viewGP.labelString: View
- idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP*controlGP.labelString: Control
- idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP*commandGP.labelString: Command
- idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP.labelString: Hide Tools:
- idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP*stdmacrosGP.labelString: Standard
- idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP*runmacrosGP.labelString: Run&Debug
- idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP*usermacrosGP.labelString: User
- idlde*generalPreferences*windowsGP.labelString: Editor Windows Layout:
- idlde*generalPreferences*windowsGP*multipleGP.labelString: Multiple
- idlde*generalPreferences*readonlyGP.labelString: Open Files:
- idlde*generalPreferences*readonlyGP*toggleGP.labelString: Read Only
- idlde*generalPreferences*splashGP.labelString: *Initial Screen:
- idlde*generalPreferences*splashGP*showGP.labelString: Show
- idlde*generalPreferences*loglinesGP.labelString: *Lines to Save in Log Window:
- idlde*generalPreferences*loglinesGP*loglinesGP.columns: 5
- idlde*generalPreferences*ctrlrowsGP.labelString: Rows in Control Panel:
- idlde*generalPreferences*ctrlrowsGP*ctrlrowsGP.columns: 5
- idlde*generalPreferences*exitsaveGP.labelString: On Exit:
- idlde*generalPreferences*exitsaveGP*exitsaveGP.labelString: Save Preferences
- !
- idlde*preferencesDialog*graphicsPreferences*tabString: Graphics
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*marginWidth: 2
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*marginHeight: 2
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*winwidthGRP.labelString: Default Window Width:
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*winwidthGRP.columns: 5
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*winheightGRP.labelString: Default Window Height:
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*winheightGRP.columns: 5
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*14screen.labelString: Use
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*14screen*toggleGP.labelString: 1/4 the screen size
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*backingStore.labelString: *Backing Store:
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*noneBS.labelString: None (RETAIN = 0)
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*systemBS.labelString: System (RETAIN = 1)
- idlde*graphicsPreferences*pixmapBS.labelString: Pixmap (RETAIN = 2)
- !
- idlde*preferencesDialog*startupPreferences*tabString: Startup
- idlde*startupPreferences.marginWidth: 5
- idlde*startupPreferences*marginHeight: 10
- idlde*idldirDialog_popup*title: Select Idl Main Dir
- idlde*startupPreferences*idldirTP*idldir*labelString: *Select Idl Main Dir...
- idlde*stfileDialog_popup*title: Select Startup File
- idlde*startupPreferences*stfileTP*stfile*labelString: *Select Startup File...
- idlde*startupPreferences*columns: 30
- idlde*startupPreferences*nostfileTP.labelString:
- idlde*startupPreferences*nostfileTP*nostfile.labelString: *Don't Use Startup File
- !
- idlde*preferencesDialog*pathPreferences*tabString: Paths
- idlde*preferencesDialog*pathPreferences.marginWidth: 10
- idlde*preferencesDialog*pathPreferences.marginHeight: 10
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*labelString: *IDL Files Search Path\n(appended to !Path;+ means search subdirectories):
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*visibleItemCount: 10
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*listSizePolicy: XmRESIZE_IF_POSSIBLE
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*scrollBarDisplayPolicy: XmSTATIC
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*selectionPolicy: XmMULTIPLE_SELECT
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP.labelString:
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP*add.labelString: Add Path...
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP*remove.labelString: Remove
- idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP*expand.labelString: Search Subdirectories
- idlde*pathdirDialog_popup*title: Select Path
- idlde*pathdirDialog*fileTypeMask: XmFILE_DIRECTORY
- !
- idlde*preferencesDialog*fontPreferences*tabString: Fonts
- idlde*preferencesDialog*fontPreferences.marginWidth: 2
- idlde*preferencesDialog*fontPreferences.marginHeight: 2
- idlde*fontPreferences*recomputeSize: False
- idlde*fontPreferences*XmPushButton*width: 150
- idlde*fontPreferences*deflFP.labelString: Default...
- idlde*fontPreferences*mbarFP.labelString: Menubar...
- idlde*fontPreferences*editFP.labelString: Edit...
- idlde*fontPreferences*ctrlFP.labelString: Control...
- idlde*fontPreferences*logFP.labelString: Log...
- idlde*fontPreferences*cmdFP.labelString: Command...
- idlde*fontPreferences*columns: 30
- idlde*preferencesDialog_popup*fontdlg_popup*title: Select Font
- !
- ! Goto Line dialog
- !
- idlde*gotolineDialog_popup*title: Goto Line
- idlde*gotolineDialog*ok*labelString: OK
- idlde*gotolineDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*gotolineDialog*goto*labelString: Goto Line:
- !
- ! Find Replace dialog
- !
- idlde*searchDialog_popup*title: Find / Replace
- idlde*searchDialog*replace*labelString: Replace
- idlde*searchDialog*findreplace*labelString: Replace&Find
- idlde*searchDialog*find*labelString: Find
- idlde*searchDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*searchDialog*help*labelString: Help
- idlde*searchDialog*findstring*labelString: Find:
- idlde*searchDialog*replacestring*labelString: Replace:
- idlde*searchDialog*case*labelString: Case:
- idlde*searchDialog*sensitive*labelString: Sensitive
- idlde*searchDialog*nonsensitive*labelString: Non-sensitive
- idlde*searchDialog*direction*labelString: Direction:
- idlde*searchDialog*forward*labelString: Search Forward
- idlde*searchDialog*backward*labelString: Search Backward
- idlde*searchDialog*position*labelString: Start Position:
- idlde*searchDialog*start*labelString: Top
- idlde*searchDialog*current*labelString: Current
- idlde*searchDialog*end*labelString: Bottom
- idlde*searchDialog*help*help.text: 13040
- !
- ! Complex Breakpoint dialog
- !
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog_popup*title: Complex Breakpoint
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*ok*labelString: OK
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*choose*labelString: File...
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*help*labelString: Help
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*file*labelString: File:
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*line*labelString: Line:
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*once*labelString: One-Time Breakpoint
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*after*labelString: Break After:
- idlde*cbreakpointDialog*help*help.text: 13040
- idlde*filecbreakpointDialog*pattern: *.pro
- idlde*filecbreakpointDialog_popup*title: Choose File
- !
- ! Trace dialog
- !
- idlde*traceDialog_popup*title: Trace
- idlde*traceDialog*run*labelString: Run
- idlde*traceDialog*stop*labelString: Stop
- idlde*traceDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*traceDialog*help*labelString: Help
- idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*titleString: Step Interval (sec)
- idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*minimum: 1
- idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*maximum: 100
- idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*value: 10
- idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*showValue: True
- idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*decimalPoints: 1
- idlde*traceDialog*fspeed*labelString: Full Speed
- idlde*traceDialog*stepout*labelString: Use Step Over
- idlde*traceDialog*help*help.text: 13040
- !
- ! Edit Macros Dialog
- !
- idlde*editmacroDialog_popup*title: Edit Macros
- idlde*editmacroDialog*ok*labelString: OK
- idlde*editmacroDialog*add*labelString: Add
- idlde*editmacroDialog*replace*labelString: Change
- idlde*editmacroDialog*remove*labelString: Remove
- idlde*editmacroDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*editmacroDialog*help*labelString: Help
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tfrname*labelString: Name :
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tfminame*labelString: Label :
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tfbitmap*labelString: Bitmap:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tfstatus*labelString: Status bar text:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tftip*labelString: Tip text:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tfcommand*labelString: IDL Command:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tfaction*labelString: IDL Action:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*lblmmacro*labelString: Menu Macros:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*lbltmacro*labelString: Toolbar Macros:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*lblnew*labelString: Macro Attributes:
- idlde*editmacroDialog*lstmmacro*visibleItemCount: 5
- idlde*editmacroDialog*lsttmacro*visibleItemCount: 5
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tglmenu*labelString: Menu
- idlde*editmacroDialog*tgltoolbar*labelString: Toolbar
- idlde*editmacroDialog*help*help.text: 13100
- !
- ! Print Dialog
- !
- idlde*printerManager_popup*title: Print Setup
- idlde*printDialog_popup*title: Print
- idlde*printDialog*print*labelString: Print
- idlde*printDialog*cancel*labelString: Cancel
- idlde*printDialog*help*labelString: Help
- idlde*printDialog*numbering*labelString: Numbered Lines
- idlde*printDialog*folding*labelString: Wrapped Lines
- idlde*printDialog*twinpage*labelString: Two Pages
- idlde*printDialog*header*labelString: Header
- idlde*printDialog*help*help.text: 13040
- !
- ! Exit dialog
- !
- idlde*exitDialog_popup*title: Exit Confirmation
- idlde*exitDialog*messageString: EXIT
- !
- ! File Changed Dialog
- !
- idlde*fileChangedDialog_popup*title: File Changed
- idlde*fileChangedDialog*messageString: File %F\nhas changed on disk since loaded.\nDo you want to:
- idlde*fileChangedDialog*okLabelString: Reload
- idlde*fileChangedDialog*cancelLabelString: Ignore Changes
- idlde*fileChangedDialog*helpLabelString: Cancel
- !
- ! Warning messages for control commands
- !
- idlde*missingFile_popup*title: Missing Filename
- idlde*missingFile*messageString: Filename is missing.\nUnable to execute the command.
- idlde*missingSelection_popup*title: Missing Selection
- idlde*missingSelection*messageString: No selection is available.\nUnable to execute the command.
- idlde*notCompiled_popup*title: Not Compiled
- idlde*notCompiled*messageString: File is NOT compiled.\nCompile the file first.
- idlde*missingDefinition_popup*title: Missing Definition
- idlde*missingDefinition*messageString: Unable to find the definition\nof the selected function/procedure.\n
- idlde*modifiedFileBreak_popup*title: Modified File
- idlde*modifiedFileBreak*messageString: File was modified.\nPlease save the file before setting breakpoint.
- idlde*modifiedFileExec_popup*title: Modified File
- idlde*modifiedFileExec*messageString: File was modified.\nPlease save the file before executing.
- idlde*errorPrintFile_popup*title: Print File Error
- idlde*errorPrintFile*messageString: Filename is missing,\nor unable to print the file.
- idlde*missingMacroType_popup*title: Edit Macro
- idlde*missingMacroType*messageString: Menu and/or Toolbar Macro must be selected.
- idlde*missingMacroName_popup*title: Edit Macro
- idlde*missingMacroName*messageString: Macro Name must be specified.
- idlde*missingMacroMitem_popup*title: Edit Macro
- idlde*missingMacroMitem*messageString: Macro Menu Item must be specified.
- idlde*missingMacroBitmap_popup*title: Edit Macro
- idlde*missingMacroBitmap*messageString: Macro Bitmap file must be specified.
- idlde*missingMacroCommand_popup*title: Edit Macro
- idlde*missingMacroCommand*messageString: Macro IDL Command or Action must be specified.