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Text File  |  1997-07-08  |  59.8 KB  |  1,430 lines

  1. !    $Id: Idl,v 1.63 1997/03/12 21:55:37 lubos Exp $
  2. !
  3. ! This application defaults file controls IDL and Idlde (a Motif based
  4. ! GUI interface to the IDL command line).
  6. idlde.title:            IDL Development Environment
  7. idlde.iconName:            idlde
  8. idlde.colors:               -10
  9. Idl.retain:            1
  10. Idl.graphicsWindowWidth:    640
  11. Idl.graphicsWindowHeight:    512
  12. Idl.graphicsWindow14Screen:    True
  13. !
  14. ! Idl only (non DE) resources
  15. !
  16. Idl.colors:        -10
  18. #ifdef sun
  19. !
  20. ! Motif Sun IDL. Make the Delete key work in text widgets.
  21. !
  22. Idl*XmText.translations:   #override \n\
  23.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  24. #endif
  26. ! Size, resize behavior of the File Selection box, dialog_pickfile()
  27. Idl*XmFileSelectionBox.resizePolicy:    XmRESIZE_GROW
  28. Idl*XmFileSelectionBox.width:        400
  31. !
  32. !
  33. ! IDLDE
  34. !
  35. ! X Window applications are configured and customized by a large number
  36. ! of resources. Idlde is a Motif application, so resources that control
  37. ! it are described in the "OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference". To efficiently
  38. ! use the information in that manual still requires the following
  39. ! information:
  40. !
  41. !    - The widgets used.
  42. !    - The resource names assigned to those widgets.
  43. !
  44. ! This information can be obtained by rest of this file. These are the
  45. ! resource settings used by Idlde to achive its default appearance
  46. ! and behavior.
  47. !
  48. ! We want you to be able to change Idlde to your liking by setting
  49. ! resources. For this reason, we encourage you to look at the definitions
  50. ! in this file and add your own resources to your $HOME/.idlde file to modify
  51. ! them. If you do not use Idlde, set the appropriate resources in your
  52. ! .Xdefaults files using "Idl" class name.
  53. ! However, please be aware of the following:
  54. !
  55. !    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. !    | RSI makes no commitment to maintain the widget types or names        |
  57. !    | used by Idlde from release to release. Such a commitment would       |
  58. !    | severely limit our ability to improve the product or fix problems.   |
  59. !    | Please be aware that your customizations may need adjustment between |
  60. !    | IDL releases.                                                        |
  61. !    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. !
  63. ! In order to allow standard IDL resources to also apply to Idlde, the
  64. ! top level resource class name of the program is still "Idl". Idlde is
  65. ! thus referred to as "Idl*idlde".
  66. ! In order to allow standard IDL resources to apply to Idl (e.g. Idl widgets),
  67. ! the top level resource class name of the program is "Idl". The resources
  68. ! should be specified using class name "Idl*...".
  69. !
  70. ! In order to specify resources for a widget, you need to know its
  71. ! class name or resource name. The resource names can be determined by
  72. ! reading the section of file relating to the desired widget. This table
  73. ! gives class information for the widgets:
  74. !
  75. !    --------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. !    Item                   Class Name
  77. !    --------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. !     Menubar                   XmRowColumn
  79. !     All buttons and menu items    XmPushButton
  80. !     Control                    XmRowColumn
  81. !     Text widgets            XmText
  82. !     Prompt                XmLabelWidget
  83. !    --------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. !
  85. ! The full layout of the idlde consist of the following areas:
  86. !
  87. ! - menubar
  88. ! - control panel with buttons used as shortcuts for commonly entered
  89. !   commands.
  90. ! - file view panel (in single window editor mode), or multiple
  91. !   top level file view windows
  92. ! - command panel with log window and prompt window
  93. !
  94. ! Those areas can be managed (shown or hidden) by setting the following
  95. ! resources:
  96. !
  97. !
  98. ! If multiWindowEdit is set to True, each of the edited/debugged files
  99. ! is displayed in the separate top level window. If set to False,
  100. ! the edited/debugged files are displayed in only one edit view panel
  101. ! (see above).
  102. !
  103. idlde*multiWindowEdit:                 False
  104. idlde*multiWindowEdit*editor*text*rows:         40
  105. idlde*multiWindowEdit*editor*text*columns:     80
  106. !
  107. ! The panel below the menu bar is called the "View Panel". This panel
  108. ! contains an edited/debugged files, only one of which is
  109. ! ever visible at a given time. It is possible to hide the view panel
  110. ! completely from the Window menu. This resource controls whether
  111. ! the view is visible at startup.
  112. !
  113. idlde*hideView:            False
  114. !
  115. ! It is possible to hide the control panel completely from the
  116. ! Window menu. This resource controls whether the control panel is visible at
  117. ! startup.
  118. !
  119. idlde*control*hideControl:    False
  121. !
  122. ! Below the Control and View panel is located Command panel, which contains
  123. ! LOG and Prompt windows. It is possible to hide the Command panel completely
  124. ! from the Window menu.This resource controls whether the Command panel
  125. ! is visible at startup.
  127. idlde*hideCommand:        False
  129. !
  130. ! If following resource is set to True, the files are initially
  131. ! open as read only. The status of the resource can be dynamically
  132. ! changed from Window menu for the currently displayed file
  133. ! and form the Preferences dialog for any next file(s) to be opened.
  135. idlde*readOnly:            False
  137. !
  138. ! There are two other interesting areas for customization:
  139. !
  140. ! - Control panel buttons can be added, or deleted. See control panel
  141. !   resources below. Control panel buttons can use action routines.
  142. !
  143. ! - External Tools menu items can be added or deleted. See Macros menu
  144. !   below.
  145. !
  146. !
  147. ! Action Routines:
  148. ! ----------------
  149. !
  150. !    Most of the Motif widgets supply functions that can be bound to
  151. !    events (like keypress events) to manipulate the widget. For example,
  152. !    the Motif text widget provides "end-of-line", which you can see
  153. !    is bound to Ctrl-E in the command widget below. This causes the 
  154. !    insertion point to move to the end of the line when ^E is pressed.
  155. !
  156. !    Action routines can also be used to define the command for
  157. !    the Control Panel button(s) by using idlAction resource.
  158. !
  159. !    In addition to the action routines provided by Motif, IDL provides
  160. !    several functions that can be bound to events in the same way:
  161. !
  162. !    IdlExit - Causes Idlde to act as if the EXIT command has
  163. !        been entered. Note that this is usually tied to
  164. !        a menu accelerator (Ctrl-Q in this case), so this
  165. !        routine is rarely called directly.
  166. !
  167. !    IdlInterrupt - Causes Idlde to recieve an interrupt. Note
  168. !        that this is usually tied to Ctrl-C as a menu accelerator.
  169. !
  170. !    IdlRecallCommand - Recalls previously entered commands into the
  171. !        command widget. It should be called with one argument,
  172. !        either "BACK" or "FORWARD", to indicate the direction of
  173. !        the recall. For example, in the command widget:
  174. !
  175. !            <Key>osfUp:    IdlRecallCommand(BACK)\n
  176. !
  177. !    IdlClearLog - Erases the the log window contents.
  178. !
  179. !    IdlFunctionKey - Allows entry of an IDL command into the input
  180. !        command stream. It is typically used to tie IDL commands
  181. !        to function keys. For example:
  182. !
  183. !        <Key>F5:    IdlFunctionKey("print, 'F5 pressed'")\n
  184. !
  185. !    IdlSearch - Starts the search dialog, for searching the
  186. !        current contents of the View Panel.
  187. !        One of the following otional arguments may be used:
  188. !
  189. !        FIND - displays search dialog (default)
  190. !        FINDAGAIN - find next occurence of the string
  191. !        FINDSELECTION - find next occurence of the current selection
  192. !        ENTERSELECTION - enter current selection as a next search
  193. !                 string
  194. !        REPLACE - replace the search string, with replace string
  195. !        REPLACEFIND - find next occurence of the search string, and
  196. !                  replace it with the replace string
  197. !
  198. !    IdlClearView - clears the contents of the current view panel
  199. !
  200. !    IdlControlHide - Hides or exposes the control panel. It should be
  201. !        called with one argument set to "SHOW", "HIDE", or
  202. !        "TOGGLE".
  203. !
  204. !    IdlViewHide - Hides or exposes the view panel. It should be
  205. !        called with one argument set to "SHOW", "HIDE", or
  206. !        "TOGGLE".
  207. !
  208. !    IdlCommandHide - Hides or exposes the command (log+prompt) panel.
  209. !               It should be called with one argument set to "SHOW",
  210. !               "HIDE", or "TOGGLE".
  211. !
  212. !    IdlFile - handles file menu functions. The first paremeter controls
  213. !                 the function:
  214. !        NEW - Create a new IDL source file.
  215. !        OPEN - Open an existing file.
  216. !        SAVE - Save the active file.
  217. !        PRINT - Print the contents of the active window.
  218. !    
  219. !    IdlEdit - handles edit menu functions. The first paremeter controls
  220. !                 the function:
  221. !            
  222. !        UNDO - undo the last editing change.
  223. !        REDO - Redo the last undo.
  224. !        CUT - Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
  225. !        COPY - Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
  226. !        PASTE - Insert Clipboard contents.
  227. !        SELECTALL - select the whole contents of the view area.
  228. !        GOTODEF - Go to the source file line defining the selected
  229. !                         routine (if compiled).
  230. !        GOTOLINE - Go to a line of text in the active file.
  231. !
  232. !    IdlWindows - handles windows menu functions. The first paremeter
  233. !                    controls the function:
  234. !            
  235. !        CASCADE    - Arrange windows so they overlap.    
  236. !        TILE - Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles.
  237. !        MULTI - Display files in multiple windows.
  238. !        SINGLE - Display files in single window.
  239. !        
  240. !    IdlCompile - Compiles file in the currently active source window.
  241. !                    It should be called with one argument set to "FILE"
  242. !                    (default) if to compile from the current file,
  243. !                    "TEMPORARY" if to compile from Idlde into
  244. !                    the temporary file, or "RESOLVE" if to resolve
  245. !                    all the referenced and uncompiled IDL routines.
  246. !
  247. !    IdlRun - Runs application with the name derived from the
  248. !               file in the currently active source window.
  249. !
  250. !    IdlReset - Resets (RETALL) IDL environment.
  251. !
  252. !    IdlStep - Issues one of the statements controlling execution.
  253. !                 It should be called with one argument set to:
  254. !       INTO     - execute one statement from to current position; steps into
  255. !                  IDL procedures, functions
  256. !       OVER     - execute one statement from to current position; steps over
  257. !                  IDL procedures, functions (default - without params)
  258. !       OUT      - continue execution until current routine returns
  259. !       SKIP     - skip next statement and execute following statement
  260. !       CONTINUE - continue execution of the stopped program
  261. !       TOCURSOR - continue execution to the cursor
  262. !       TORETURN - continue execution until current routine returns;
  263. !                  stop before RETURN
  264. !
  265. !    IdlBreakpoint - Issues one of the statements controlling breakpoints.
  266. !                 If no parameter is specified, sets the breakpoint on the
  267. !                 current line.
  268. !                 It should be called with one argument set to:
  269. !       SET      - set the breakpoint on the current line
  270. !       CLEAR    - clear the breakpoint on the current line
  271. !       TOGGLE   - toggle (SET or CLEAR) the state of the breakpoint on the
  272. !                  current line
  273. !       COMPLEX  - display breakpoint dialog to set complex breakpoint
  274. !       LIST     - list currently set breakpoints
  275. !
  276. !    IdlListStack - Display current nesting of the procedures and
  277. !                 functions (calling stack).
  278. !
  279. !    IdlTrace - display dialogs box to control program tracing.
  280. !
  281. !
  282. ! Basic IDLDE Resources:
  283. !
  284. ! Set reasonable foreground, background color for idlde and Idl
  285. !
  286. idlde*background:        LightGrey
  287. Idl*background:            LightGrey
  288. Idl*foreground:            Black
  290. ! This resource setting makes "9x15" the default for all textual widgets
  291. ! in Idlde. This font was selected because it is reasonably good looking,
  292. ! is a fixed width font, and is certain to be available on any system.
  293. !
  294. idlde*fontList:            9x15
  296. !
  297. ! When the user quits the Idlde session, this resource determines
  298. ! whether it displays the "Confirm Exit" dialog to give the user
  299. ! a second chance.
  300. !
  301. ! If you're an expert user and not afraid of a little data loss now and
  302. ! then, setting this resource to False will make Idlde quit without
  303. ! the confirmation.
  304. !
  305. idlde*confirmExit:        True
  307. ! If "saveOnExit" resource is set to true, preferences are saved on exit
  308. ! automatically. If not set, preferences has to be saved explicitely
  309. ! from Preferences dialog.
  310. !
  311. idlde*saveOnExit:        False
  313. ! If set to true, all Xt Intrinsics Warning messages are supressed.
  314. !
  315. idlde*suppressWarning:        True
  317. ! If set to true, the RSI splash screen is dispayed on startup.
  318. !
  319. idlde*showSplashScreen:        True
  321. ! When Idlde starts up, it can automatically drop into the background
  322. ! divert its stdin to /dev/null, and detach itself from its parent
  323. ! session leader. This is usually what you want, because Idlde is an
  324. ! X Window application and doesn't work in a traditional Unix pipeline.
  325. ! (Note that regular IDL is better suited for that, so nothing is lost.)
  326. ! If you want to disable this action, set backgroundIdl to False
  327. !
  328. idlde*backgroundIdl:        True
  330. ! Main Idlde help context
  331. idlde*help.text:        13000
  333. !
  334. !
  335. ! The default Motif background color makes it a little
  336. ! difficult to read lots of text. This resource makes all text
  337. ! widgets in Idlde use white instead. Since the foreground color
  338. ! might be white, we specify that explicitly too.
  339. !
  340. idlde*XmText*background:        white
  341. idlde*XmTextField*background:        white
  342. idlde*XmText*foreground:        black
  343. idlde*XmTextField*foreground:        black
  345. ! Idlde window icon
  346. !
  347. idlde*mainIconPixmap:            idlde
  348. idlde*promptIconPixmap:            smicon
  350. !
  351. ! The Idlde menu bar is named "menubar". Resources are used to configure
  352. ! almost everything about the menubar, including labels, mnemonics, and
  353. ! accelerators. If you don't like a given attribute, you can easily
  354. ! override it in your own .idlde file.
  355. !
  356. ! The FILE Menu
  357. !
  358. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*labelString:        File
  359. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*mnemonic:        l
  360. !
  361. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*labelString:    New
  362. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*mnemonic:    N
  363. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>N
  364. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*acceleratorText:    Ctrl+N
  365. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*newFile*hint.text:    Create a new IDL source file.
  366. !
  367. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*labelString:    Open...
  368. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*mnemonic:    O
  369. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>O
  370. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+O
  371. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*openFile*hint.text:    Open an existing file.
  372. !
  373. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*closeFile*labelString:    Close
  374. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*closeFile*mnemonic:    C
  375. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*closeFile*hint.text:    Close the active file.
  376. !
  377. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*labelString:    Save
  378. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*mnemonic:    S
  379. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>s
  380. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+S
  381. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveFile*hint.text:    Save the active file.
  382. !
  383. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*labelString:    Save As...
  384. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*mnemonic:    A
  385. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>w
  386. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+W
  387. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*saveAsFile*hint.text:    Save the active file with a new name.
  388. !
  389. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*revertToSavedFile*labelString:    Revert To Saved
  390. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*revertToSavedFile*mnemonic:    R
  391. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*revertToSavedFile*hint.text:    Reload the active file from disk.
  392. !
  393. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*labelString:    Print...
  394. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*mnemonic:    P
  395. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>P
  396. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*acceleratorText: Ctrl+P
  397. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*printFile*hint.text:    Print the contents of the active window.
  398. !
  399. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*pageSetup*labelString:    Print Setup...
  400. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*pageSetup*mnemonic:    t
  401. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*pageSetup*hint.text:    Change the printer and printing options.
  402. !
  403. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*preferences*labelString:    Preferences...
  404. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*preferences*mnemonic:    f
  405. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*preferences*hint.text: Customize the IDL kernel and user interface.
  406. !
  407. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*labelString:    Exit
  408. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*mnemonic:        E
  409. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>q
  410. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*acceleratorText:    Ctrl+Q
  411. idlde*menubar*fileMenu*exit*hint.text:    Quit IDL Development Environment.
  413. !
  414. ! The EDIT menu
  415. !
  416. idlde*menubar*editMenu*labelString:        Edit
  417. idlde*menubar*editMenu*mnemonic:        d
  419. idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*labelString:    Undo
  420. idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*mnemonic:        U
  421. idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*accelerator:    Meta<Key>Z
  422. idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*acceleratorText:    Alt+Z
  423. idlde*menubar*editMenu*undo*hint.text:    Undo the last action.
  424. !
  425. idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*labelString:    Redo
  426. idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*mnemonic:        R
  427. idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*accelerator:    Meta<Key>Y
  428. idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*acceleratorText:    Alt+Y
  429. idlde*menubar*editMenu*redo*hint.text:    Redo the previously undone action.
  430. !
  431. idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*labelString:        Cut
  432. idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*mnemonic:        t
  433. idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*accelerator:        Meta<Key>x
  434. idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*acceleratorText:    Alt+X
  435. idlde*menubar*editMenu*cut*hint.text:    Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
  436. !
  437. idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*labelString:    Copy
  438. idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*mnemonic:        C
  439. idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*accelerator:    Meta<Key>c
  440. idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*acceleratorText:    Alt+C
  441. idlde*menubar*editMenu*copy*hint.text:    Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
  442. !
  443. idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*labelString:    Paste
  444. idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*mnemonic:        P
  445. idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*accelerator:    Meta<Key>v
  446. idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*acceleratorText:    Alt+V
  447. idlde*menubar*editMenu*paste*hint.text:    Insert Clipboard contents.
  448. !
  449. idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*labelString:    Delete
  450. idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*mnemonic:        D
  451. idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*accelerator:    <Key>Del
  452. idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*acceleratorText:    Del
  453. idlde*menubar*editMenu*delete*hint.text:    Delete the current selection.
  454. !
  455. idlde*menubar*editMenu*selectall*labelString:    Select All
  456. idlde*menubar*editMenu*selectall*mnemonic:    S
  457. idlde*menubar*editMenu*selectall*hint.text:    Select the entire contents of the active window.
  458. !
  459. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clear*labelString:    Clear All
  460. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clear*mnemonic:        l
  461. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clear*hint.text:    Delete the entire contents of the active window.
  462. !
  463. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*labelString:    Clear Log
  464. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*mnemonic:    e
  465. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>y
  466. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*acceleratorText: Ctrl+Y
  467. idlde*menubar*editMenu*clearLog*hint.text:    Delete the entire contents of the log window.
  469. !
  470. ! The SEARCH menu
  471. !
  472. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*labelString:        Search
  473. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*mnemonic:        e
  475. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*labelString:    Find...
  476. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*mnemonic:        F
  477. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*accelerator:    Meta<Key>f
  478. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*acceleratorText:    Alt+F
  479. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*find*hint.text:    Find the search text.
  480. !
  481. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*labelString:    Find Again
  482. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*mnemonic:    n
  483. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*accelerator:    Meta<Key>g
  484. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*acceleratorText: Alt+G
  485. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findagain*hint.text: Find the next instance of the search text.
  486. !
  487. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*labelString: Find Selection
  488. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*mnemonic:    i
  489. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*accelerator: Meta<Key>i
  490. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*acceleratorText: Alt+I
  491. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*findselect*hint.text: Find the selected text.
  492. !
  493. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*labelString: Enter Selection
  494. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*mnemonic:      t
  495. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*accelerator: Meta<Key>t
  496. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*acceleratorText: Alt+T
  497. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*enterselect*hint.text: Enter the selected text as the search text.
  498. !
  499. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*labelString:    Replace...
  500. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*mnemonic:    R
  501. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*accelerator:    Meta<Key>r
  502. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*acceleratorText: Alt+R
  503. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replace*hint.text:    Replace the search text with the replacement text.
  504. !
  505. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*labelString: Replace & Find
  506. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*mnemonic:      p
  507. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*accelerator: Meta<Key>p
  508. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*acceleratorText: Alt+P
  509. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*replacefind*hint.text: Replace the next instance of the search text with the replacement text.
  510. !
  511. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*labelString:    Go To Line...
  512. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*mnemonic:    G
  513. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>G
  514. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*acceleratorText: Ctrl+G
  515. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotoline*hint.text:    Go to a line of text in the active file.
  516. !
  517. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*labelString:    Go To Definition
  518. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*mnemonic:    o
  519. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>t
  520. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*acceleratorText: Ctrl+T
  521. idlde*menubar*searchMenu*gotodef*hint.text:    Go to the source file line defining the selected routine (if compiled).
  523. !
  524. ! The RUN menu
  525. !
  526. idlde*menubar*runMenu*labelString:        Run
  527. idlde*menubar*runMenu*mnemonic:            u
  529. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*labelString:    Compile
  530. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*mnemonic:        C
  531. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>F5
  532. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*acceleratorText:    Ctrl+F5
  533. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compile*hint.text:    Compile the active source file.
  534. !
  535. idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*labelString:    Compile from Memory
  536. idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*mnemonic:    M
  537. idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>F6
  538. idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*acceleratorText:    Ctrl+F6
  539. idlde*menubar*runMenu*comptemp*hint.text:    Compile the active source file in memory.
  540. !
  541. idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*labelString:        Run
  542. idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*mnemonic:        R
  543. idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*accelerator:        <Key>F5
  544. idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*acceleratorText:    F5
  545. idlde*menubar*runMenu*run*hint.text:        Execute the active source file.
  546. !
  547. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*labelString:    Resolve Dependencies
  548. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*accelerator:    Meta<Key>F5
  549. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*acceleratorText:    Alt+F5
  550. idlde*menubar*runMenu*compall*hint.text:    Compile any uncompiled dependent user-written or library procedures or functions.
  551. !
  552. idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*labelString:        Go
  553. idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*mnemonic:        G
  554. idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*accelerator:        <Key>F6
  555. idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*acceleratorText:    F6
  556. idlde*menubar*runMenu*go*hint.text:        Start or resume execution of the active source file.
  557. !
  558. idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*labelString:    Break
  559. idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*mnemonic:    B
  560. idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>C
  561. idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*acceleratorText: Ctrl+C
  562. idlde*menubar*runMenu*interrupt*hint.text:    Stop execution of the current code.
  563. !
  564. idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*labelString:    Reset
  565. idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*mnemonic:        s
  566. idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>R
  567. idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*acceleratorText:    Ctrl+R
  568. idlde*menubar*runMenu*reset*hint.text:    Stop execution of the current code and return to the main programming level.
  569. !
  570. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*labelString:    Step Into
  571. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*mnemonic:    I
  572. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*accelerator:    <Key>F8
  573. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*acceleratorText:    F8
  574. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepinto*hint.text:    Step into the next statement.
  575. !
  576. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*labelString:    Step Over
  577. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*mnemonic:    v
  578. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*accelerator:    <Key>F10
  579. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*acceleratorText:    F10
  580. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepover*hint.text:    Execute the next statement.
  581. !
  582. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*labelString:    Step Out
  583. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*mnemonic:        O
  584. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>F8
  585. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*acceleratorText:    Ctrl+F8
  586. idlde*menubar*runMenu*stepout*hint.text:    Execute the current routine and return to the calling routine.
  587. !
  588. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*labelString:    Run To Cursor
  589. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*mnemonic:    n
  590. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*accelerator:    <Key>F7
  591. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*acceleratorText: F7
  592. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtocursor*hint.text:    Execute statements up to the line containing the cursor.
  593. !
  594. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*labelString:    Run To Return
  595. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*mnemonic:    u
  596. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>F7
  597. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F7
  598. idlde*menubar*runMenu*runtoreturn*hint.text:    Execute the current routine until just before returning.
  599. !
  600. idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*labelString:    Set Breakpoint
  601. idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*mnemonic:    k
  602. idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*accelerator:    <Key>F9
  603. idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*acceleratorText:    F9
  604. idlde*menubar*runMenu*setbreak*hint.text:    Set a breakpoint at the current statement.
  605. !
  606. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*labelString:    Clear Breakpoint
  607. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*mnemonic:    e
  608. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*accelerator:    Ctrl<Key>F9
  609. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*acceleratorText: Ctrl+F9
  610. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearbreak*hint.text:    Clear a breakpoint at the current statement.
  611. !
  612. idlde*menubar*runMenu*complexbreak*labelString:    Set Complex Breakpoint...
  613. idlde*menubar*runMenu*complexbreak*mnemonic:    x
  614. idlde*menubar*runMenu*complexbreak*hint.text: Set a complex breakpoint at the current statement.
  615. !
  616. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearallbreak*labelString: Clear All Breakpoints
  617. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearallbreak*mnemonic:    A
  618. idlde*menubar*runMenu*clearallbreak*hint.text: Clear all breakpoints that have been set.
  619. !
  620. idlde*menubar*runMenu*listbreak*labelString:    List Breakpoints
  621. idlde*menubar*runMenu*listbreak*mnemonic:    L
  622. idlde*menubar*runMenu*listbreak*hint.text:    List the current breakpoints in the Output Log.
  623. !
  624. idlde*menubar*runMenu*animate*labelString:    Trace...
  625. idlde*menubar*runMenu*animate*mnemonic:        T
  626. idlde*menubar*runMenu*animate*hint.text:    Trace execution of the current routine.
  627. !
  628. idlde*menubar*runMenu*liststack*labelString:    List Call Stack
  629. idlde*menubar*runMenu*liststack*mnemonic:    c
  630. idlde*menubar*runMenu*liststack*hint.text:    List the current call stack in the Output Log.
  632. !
  633. ! The MACROS menu
  634. !
  635. idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*labelString:        Macros
  636. idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*mnemonic:        o
  638. idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*editmacro*labelString:    Edit...
  639. idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*editmacro*mnemonic:    E
  640. idlde*menubar*macrosMenu*editmacro*hint.text:    Edit/Define User menu items and tool buttons.
  642. !
  643. ! The WINDOWS menu
  644. !
  645. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*labelString:        Window
  646. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu.mnemonic:        n
  648. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*readOnly*labelString:    Read Only
  649. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*readOnly*hint.text: Enable/Disable editing of the current file.
  651. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*stagger*labelString:    Cascade
  652. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*stagger*mnemonic:    s
  653. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*stagger*hint.text:    Arrange windows so they overlap.
  654. !
  655. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*tile*labelString:    Tile
  656. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*tile*mnemonic:    T
  657. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*tile*hint.text:    Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles.
  658. !
  659. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*closeAll*labelString:    Close All
  660. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*closeAll*mnemonic:    l
  661. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*closeAll*hint.text:    Close all the open files.
  662. !
  663. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showView*labelString:    Show View
  664. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showView*mnemonic:    V
  665. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showView*hint.text: Show the Editor window.
  666. !
  667. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideView*labelString:    Hide View
  668. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideView*mnemonic:    H
  669. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideView*hint.text: Hide the Editor window.
  670. !
  671. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showControl*labelString: Show Control
  672. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showControl*mnemonic:    C
  673. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showControl*hint.text: Show the Toolbar.
  674. !
  675. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideControl*labelString: Hide Control
  676. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideControl*mnemonic:    i
  677. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideControl*hint.text: Hide the Toolbar.
  678. !
  679. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showCommand*labelString: Show Command
  680. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showCommand*mnemonic:    m
  681. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*showCommand*hint.text: Show the Log and Prompt windows.
  682. !
  683. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideCommand*labelString: Hide Command
  684. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideCommand*mnemonic:    d
  685. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*hideCommand*hint.text: Hide the Log and Prompt windows.
  686. !
  687. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*toolbar*labelString:    Toolbar
  688. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*toolbar.mnemonic:    o
  690. !
  691. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showStdMacros*labelString: Show Standard Tools
  692. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showStdMacros*mnemonic:    h
  693. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showStdMacros*hint.text:   Show the Standard Toolbar buttons.
  694. !
  695. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideStdMacros*labelString: Hide Standard Tools
  696. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideStdMacros*mnemonic:    S
  697. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideStdMacros*hint.text:   Hide the Standard Toolbar buttons.
  698. !
  699. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showRunMacros*labelString: Show Run&Debug Tools
  700. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showRunMacros*mnemonic:    h
  701. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showRunMacros*hint.text:   Show the Run&Debug Toolbar buttons.
  702. !
  703. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideRunMacros*labelString: Hide Run&Debug Tools
  704. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideRunMacros*mnemonic:    S
  705. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideRunMacros*hint.text:   Hide the Run&Debug Toolbar buttons.
  706. !
  707. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showUserMacros*labelString: Show Macros
  708. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showUserMacros*mnemonic:    h
  709. idlde*menubar*toolbar*showUserMacros*hint.text:   Show the Macros Toolbar buttons.
  710. !
  711. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideUserMacros*labelString: Hide Macros
  712. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideUserMacros*mnemonic:    S
  713. idlde*menubar*toolbar*hideUserMacros*hint.text:   Hide the Macros Toolbar buttons.
  714. !
  715. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*multiWindow*labelString: Multiple Windows
  716. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*multiWindow*mnemonic:    W
  717. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*multiWindow*hint.text: Display files in multiple windows.
  718. !
  719. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*singleWindow*labelString: Single Window
  720. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*singleWindow*mnemonic: g
  721. idlde*menubar*windowsMenu*singleWindow*hint.text: Display files in single window.
  723. !
  724. ! The HELP menu
  725. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*labelString:        Help
  726. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*mnemonic:        H
  727. !
  728. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*labelString:    Help on IDL...
  729. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*mnemonic:        H
  730. !
  731. ! Servers without a Help key give undefined KEYSYM errors at startup
  732. !
  733. !idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*accelerator:    <Key>Help
  734. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*acceleratorText:    Help
  735. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*online*hint.text:    Display the online documentation table of contents.
  736. !
  737. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*ide*labelString:        Help on IDE...
  738. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*ide*mnemonic:        I
  739. !
  740. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*item*labelString:    Help on Item...
  741. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*item*mnemonic:        n
  742. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*item*hint.text:        Search the online documentation for the selected item.
  743. !
  744. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*topic*labelString:    Find Topic...
  745. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*topic*mnemonic:        F
  746. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*topic*hint.text:     Search the online documentation for the selected topic.
  747. !
  748. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*onhelp*labelString:    Help On Help...
  749. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*onhelp*mnemonic:        O
  750. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*onhelp*hint.text:     Display information on how to use online help.
  751. !
  752. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*about*labelString:    About IDL...
  753. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*about*mnemonic:        A
  754. idlde*menubar*helpMenu*about*hint.text:    Display IDL program, version, licensing, and copyright information.
  756. ! The EDIT menu SEARCH dialog uses either an XmText or XmTextField
  757. ! widget depending on the version of Motif used by Idlde. These
  758. ! resources set reasonable key bindings for either.
  759. !
  760. idlde*searchDialog*XmText*translations:    #override \n\
  761.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  762.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  763.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  764.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  765.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  766.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  767.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  768.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  769.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  770.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  771.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  772.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  773.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  774.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  775. !
  776. idlde*searchDialog*XmTextField*translations:    #override \n\
  777.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  778.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  779.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  780.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  781.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  782.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  783.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  784.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  785.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  786.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  787.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  788.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  789.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  790.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  792. ! The FILE menu OPEN and SAVE AS dialogs uses either an XmText or XmTextField
  793. ! widget depending on the version of Motif used by Idlde. These
  794. ! dialogs share the same resource name. These resources set reasonable
  795. ! key bindings for either.
  796. !
  797. idlde*fileDialog*XmText*translations:    #override \n\
  798.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  799.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  800.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  801.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  802.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  803.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  804.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  805.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  806.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  807.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  808.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  809.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  810.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  811.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  812. !
  813. idlde*fileDialog*XmTextField*translations:    #override \n\
  814.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  815.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  816.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  817.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  818.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  819.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  820.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  821.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  822.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  823.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  824.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  825.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  826.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  827.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  829. !
  830. ! Idlde File Dialogs Resources
  831. !
  832. idlde*fileOpenDialog*pattern:        *.pro
  833. idlde*fileOpenDialog_popup*title:    Open
  835. idlde*fileSaveAsDialog*pattern:        *.pro
  836. idlde*fileSaveAsDialog_popup*title:    Save As
  838. idlde*flushEditorDialog_popup*title:    Save Editor Contents?
  839. idlde*flushEditorDialog*helpLabelString: No
  840. idlde*flushEditorDialog*messageString:    The editor contains modified text that will be\nlost unless you save it now.\n\nSave Current Changes?
  842. idlde*writeFailedDialog_popup*title:    Editor Write Failure Warning
  843. idlde*writeFailedDialog*messageString:    Failed to save editor contents to file:\nAborting requested operation:\n\n
  845. !
  846. ! Set the length and key bindings for the editor panel.
  847. !
  848. idlde*editor*text*rows:            20
  849. idlde*editor*text*columns:        80
  850. idlde*editor*text*translations:    #override \n\
  851.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  852.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  853.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  854.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  855.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  856.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  857.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  858.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  859.     Ctrl<Key>Return: newline-and-indent()\n\
  860.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  861.     Ctrl Shift<Btn1Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn1Up>: IdlBreakpoint(TOGGLE)\n\
  862.     Ctrl Shift<Btn2Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn2Up>: IdlBreakpoint(CLEARALL)\n\
  863.     Ctrl Shift<Btn3Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn3Up>: IdlBreakpoint(COMPLEX)\n\
  864.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  865.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  866.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  867.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  868.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  870. idlde*multiWindowEdit*editor*text*translations:    #override \n\
  871.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  872.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  873.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  874.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  875.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  876.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  877.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  878.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  879.     Ctrl<Key>Return: newline-and-indent()\n\
  880.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  881.     Ctrl Shift<Btn1Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn1Up>: IdlBreakpoint(TOGGLE)\n\
  882.     Ctrl Shift<Btn2Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn2Up>: IdlBreakpoint(CLEARALL)\n\
  883.     Ctrl Shift<Btn3Down>,Ctrl Shift<Btn3Up>: IdlBreakpoint(COMPLEX)\n\
  884.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  885.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  886.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  887.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  888.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  889.     Ctrl<Key>n:    IdlFile(NEW)\n\
  890.     Ctrl<Key>o:    IdlFile(OPEN)\n\
  891.     Ctrl<Key>s:    IdlFile(SAVE)\n\
  892.     Ctrl<Key>p:    IdlFile(PRINT)\n\
  893.     Ctrl<Key>q:    IdlExit()\n\
  894.     Alt<Key>z:    IdlEdit(UNDO)\n\
  895.     Alt<Key>y:    IdlEdit(REDO)\n\
  896.     Alt<Key>x:    IdlEdit(CUT)\n\
  897.     Alt<Key>c:    IdlEdit(COPY)\n\
  898.     Alt<Key>v:    IdlEdit(PASTE)\n\
  899.     Alt<Key>f:    IdlSearch(FIND)\n\
  900.     Alt<Key>g:    IdlSearch(FINDAGAIN)\n\
  901.     Alt<Key>i:    IdlSearch(FINDSELECTION)\n\
  902.     Alt<Key>t:    IdlSearch(ENTERSELECTION)\n\
  903.     Alt<Key>r:    IdlSearch(REPLACE)\n\
  904.     Alt<Key>p:    IdlSearch(REPLACEFIND)\n\
  905.     Ctrl<Key>g:    IdlEdit(GOTOLINE)\n\
  906.     Ctrl<Key>t:    IdlEdit(GOTODEF)\n\
  907.     Ctrl<Key>F5:    IdlCompile(FILE)\n\
  908.     Ctrl<Key>F6:    IdlCompile(TEMPORARY)\n\
  909.     <Key>F5:    IdlRun()\n\
  910.     Alt<Key>F5:    IdlCompile(RESOLVE)\n\
  911.     <Key>F6:    IdlStep(CONTINUE)\n\
  912.     Ctrl<Key>c:    IdlInterrupt()\n\
  913.     Ctrl<Key>r:    IdlReset()\n\
  914.     <Key>F8:    IdlStep(INTO)\n\
  915.     <Key>F10:    IdlStep(OVER)\n\
  916.     Ctrl<Key>F8:    IdlStep(OUT)\n\
  917.     <Key>F7:    IdlStep(TOCURSOR)\n\
  918.     Ctrl<Key>F7:    IdlStep(TORETURN)\n\
  919.     <Key>F9:    IdlBreakpoint(SET)\n\
  920.     Ctrl<Key>F9:    IdlBreakpoint(CLEAR)\n
  922. idlde*editor*modifiedLabel*labelString:    (Modified)
  923. idlde*editor*fileLabel*labelString:    Untitled
  924. idlde*noFileLabel:            Untitled
  925. idlde*editor*text*help.text:        13110
  926. !
  927. ! Don't allow the editor filename and mode labels to be pinned against
  928. ! the left edge of the status bar.
  929. !
  930. idlde*editor*status*filename*leftOffset: 10
  931. idlde*editor*status*mode*leftOffset:     10
  933. !
  934. ! Below the Menubar is the Control Panel. It has the resource name
  935. ! "control". This bar is a RowColumn widget containing buttons. These
  936. ! buttons are used by the user as short cuts for commonly entered
  937. ! commands. The buttons and the commands they send are entirely
  938. ! configurable from resources. You can easily add your own by adding a
  939. ! few lines to your .idlde file.
  940. !
  941. ! The idlCommand resource is used to define an IDL command that gets
  942. ! entered into the input command stream when the button is pressed.
  943. ! You can use % escapes similar to printf(3) to include certain
  944. ! types of information into the command:
  945. !
  946. !    %S - The text for the current selection.
  947. !    %F - The filename associated with the currently visible
  948. !         View Panel.
  949. !    %P - The full path filename associated with the currently visible
  950. !         View Panel.
  951. !       %N - The base name of the filename (without path a suffix).
  952. !       %B - The base name of the filename (without path, but with a suffix)
  953. !    %L - the line number with the current insertion point.
  954. !    %% - inserts %
  955. !
  956. ! These resources control appearance of the control panel
  957. !
  958. idlde*control*adjustLast:        False
  959. idlde*control*skipAdjust:        True
  960. idlde*control*orientation:        XmHORIZONTAL
  961. idlde*control*packing:            XmPACK_TIGHT
  962. idlde*control*resizeWidth:        True
  963. idlde*control*std.borderWidth:        1
  964. idlde*control*run.borderWidth:        1
  965. idlde*control*user.borderWidth:        1
  966. idlde*control*isAligned:        False
  967. idlde*control*numColumns:        1
  969. !
  970. ! idlButtons controls the number and resource names of the buttons
  971. ! in the control panel. The resources following that define labels
  972. ! and IDL commands.
  973. !
  974. ! Note. To switch to label (text) buttons set labelType to XmSTRING.
  975. !       To switch to icon (graphics) buttons set labelType to XmPIXMAP.
  976. !
  977. idlde*control*labelType:          XmPIXMAP
  979. idlde*control*idlButtonsStd:    new open save print separator undo redo cut copy paste find cascade tile
  980. !
  981. idlde*control*std.new*labelPixmap:    new
  982. idlde*control*std.new*labelString:    New
  983. idlde*control*std.new*idlAction:    IdlFile(NEW)
  984. idlde*control*std.new*hint.text:    Create a new IDL source file.
  985. idlde*control*std.new*tip.text:        New source file.
  986. !
  987. idlde*control*std.open*labelPixmap:    open
  988. idlde*control*std.open*labelString:    Open
  989. idlde*control*std.open*idlAction:    IdlFile(OPEN)
  990. idlde*control*std.open*hint.text:    Open an existing file.
  991. idlde*control*std.open*tip.text:    Open a file.
  992. !
  993. idlde*control*std.save*labelPixmap:    save
  994. idlde*control*std.save*labelString:    Save
  995. idlde*control*std.save*idlAction:    IdlFile(SAVE)
  996. idlde*control*std.save*hint.text:    Save the active file.
  997. idlde*control*std.save*tip.text:    Save the file.
  998. !
  999. idlde*control*std.print*labelPixmap:    print
  1000. idlde*control*std.print*labelString:    Print
  1001. idlde*control*std.print*idlAction:    IdlFile(PRINT)
  1002. idlde*control*std.print*hint.text:    Print the contents of the active window.
  1003. idlde*control*std.print*tip.text:    Print the window.
  1004. !
  1005. idlde*control*std.undo*labelPixmap:    undo
  1006. idlde*control*std.undo*labelString:    Undo
  1007. idlde*control*std.undo*idlAction:    IdlEdit(UNDO)
  1008. idlde*control*std.undo*hint.text:    Undo the last action.
  1009. idlde*control*std.undo*tip.text:    Undo the action.
  1010. !
  1011. idlde*control*std.redo*labelPixmap:    redo
  1012. idlde*control*std.redo*labelString:    Redo
  1013. idlde*control*std.redo*idlAction:    IdlEdit(REDO)
  1014. idlde*control*std.redo*hint.text:    Redo the previously undone action.
  1015. idlde*control*std.redo*tip.text:    Redo the undone action.
  1016. !
  1017. idlde*control*std.cut*labelPixmap:    cut
  1018. idlde*control*std.cut*labelString:    Cut
  1019. idlde*control*std.cut*idlAction:    IdlEdit(CUT)
  1020. idlde*control*std.cut*hint.text:    Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
  1021. idlde*control*std.cut*tip.text:        Cut the selection.
  1022. !
  1023. idlde*control*std.copy*labelPixmap:    copy
  1024. idlde*control*std.copy*labelString:    Copy
  1025. idlde*control*std.copy*idlAction:    IdlEdit(COPY)
  1026. idlde*control*std.copy*hint.text:    Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
  1027. idlde*control*std.copy*tip.text:    Copy the selection.
  1028. !
  1029. idlde*control*std.paste*labelPixmap:    paste
  1030. idlde*control*std.paste*labelString:    Paste
  1031. idlde*control*std.paste*idlAction:    IdlEdit(PASTE)
  1032. idlde*control*std.paste*hint.text:    Insert Clipboard contents.
  1033. idlde*control*std.paste*tip.text:    Insert Clipboard contents.
  1034. !
  1035. idlde*control*std.find*labelPixmap:    search
  1036. idlde*control*std.find*labelString:    Search
  1037. idlde*control*std.find*idlAction:    IdlSearch(FIND)
  1038. idlde*control*std.find*hint.text:    Find the search text.
  1039. idlde*control*std.find*tip.text:    Find the search text.
  1040. !
  1041. idlde*control*std.cascade*labelPixmap:    cascade
  1042. idlde*control*std.cascade*labelString:    Cascade
  1043. idlde*control*std.cascade*idlAction:    IdlWindows(CASCADE)
  1044. idlde*control*std.cascade*hint.text:     Arrange windows so they overlap.
  1045. idlde*control*std.cascade*tip.text:     Arrange windows to overlap.
  1046. !
  1047. idlde*control*std.tile*labelPixmap:    tileh
  1048. idlde*control*std.tile*labelString:    Tile
  1049. idlde*control*std.tile*idlAction:    IdlWindows(TILE)
  1050. idlde*control*std.tile*hint.text:    Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles.
  1051. idlde*control*std.tile*tip.text:    Arrange windows to tile.
  1052. !
  1053. idlde*control*idlButtonsRun:    compile exe step next stepout continue break reset stopat stopcplx listbkpt liststk
  1055. idlde*control*run.compile*labelPixmap:    compile
  1056. idlde*control*run.compile*labelString:    Compile
  1057. idlde*control*run.compile*idlAction:    IdlCompile()
  1058. idlde*control*run.compile*hint.text:     Compile the active source file.
  1059. idlde*control*run.compile*tip.text:     Compile the source file.
  1060. !
  1061. idlde*control*run.exe*labelPixmap:    run
  1062. idlde*control*run.exe*labelString:    Run
  1063. idlde*control*run.exe*idlAction:    IdlRun()
  1064. idlde*control*run.exe*hint.text:    Execute the active source file.
  1065. idlde*control*run.exe*tip.text:        Execute the source file.
  1066. !
  1067. idlde*control*run.step*labelPixmap:    stepinto
  1068. idlde*control*run.step*labelString:    Step
  1069. idlde*control*run.step*idlAction:    IdlStep(INTO)
  1070. idlde*control*run.step*hint.text:    Step into the next statement.
  1071. idlde*control*run.step*tip.text:    Step into the statement.
  1072. !
  1073. idlde*control*run.next*labelPixmap:    stepover
  1074. idlde*control*run.next*labelString:    Next
  1075. idlde*control*run.next*idlAction:    IdlStep(OVER)
  1076. idlde*control*run.next*hint.text:    Execute the next statement.
  1077. idlde*control*run.next*tip.text:    Execute the statement.
  1078. !
  1079. idlde*control*run.stepout*labelPixmap:  stepout
  1080. idlde*control*run.stepout*labelString:  Step Out
  1081. idlde*control*run.stepout*idlAction:    IdlStep(OUT)
  1082. idlde*control*run.stepout*hint.text:     Execute the current routine and return to the calling routine.
  1083. idlde*control*run.stepout*tip.text:     Execute to the calling routine.
  1084. !
  1085. idlde*control*run.continue*labelPixmap: go
  1086. idlde*control*run.continue*labelString: Go
  1087. idlde*control*run.continue*idlAction:   IdlStep(CONTINUE)
  1088. idlde*control*run.continue*hint.text:     Start or resume execution of the active source file.
  1089. idlde*control*run.continue*tip.text:     Start or resume execution.
  1090. !
  1091. idlde*control*run.stopat*labelPixmap:    setbkpt
  1092. idlde*control*run.stopat*labelString:    Stop At
  1093. idlde*control*run.stopat*idlAction:    IdlBreakpoint(TOGGLE)
  1094. idlde*control*run.stopat*hint.text:    Toggle (Set/Clear) a breakpoint at the current statement.
  1095. idlde*control*run.stopat*tip.text:    Toggle (Set/Clear) a breakpoint.
  1096. !
  1097. idlde*control*run.stopcplx*labelPixmap: setcbkpt
  1098. idlde*control*run.stopcplx*labelString: Complex Break
  1099. idlde*control*run.stopcplx*idlAction:    IdlBreakpoint(COMPLEX)
  1100. idlde*control*run.stopcplx*hint.text:     Set a complex breakpoint at the current statement.
  1101. idlde*control*run.stopcplx*tip.text:     Set a complex breakpoint.
  1102. !
  1103. idlde*control*run.listbkpt*labelPixmap: listbkpt
  1104. idlde*control*run.listbkpt*labelString: List Break
  1105. idlde*control*run.listbkpt*idlAction:    IdlBreakpoint(LIST)
  1106. idlde*control*run.listbkpt*hint.text:     List the current breakpoints in the Output Log.
  1107. idlde*control*run.listbkpt*tip.text:     List the current breakpoints.
  1108. !
  1109. idlde*control*run.liststk*labelPixmap:  liststk
  1110. idlde*control*run.liststk*labelString:  List Stack
  1111. idlde*control*run.liststk*idlAction:    IdlListStack
  1112. idlde*control*run.liststk*hint.text:     List the current call stack in the Output Log.
  1113. idlde*control*run.liststk*tip.text:     List the current call stack.
  1114. !
  1115. idlde*control*run.reset*labelPixmap:    reset
  1116. idlde*control*run.reset*labelString:    Reset
  1117. idlde*control*run.reset*idlAction:    IdlReset()
  1118. idlde*control*run.reset*hint.text:    Stop execution of the current code and return to the main programming level.
  1119. idlde*control*run.reset*tip.text:    Stop execution and reset IDL.
  1120. !
  1121. idlde*control*run.break*labelPixmap:    break
  1122. idlde*control*run.break*labelString:    Break
  1123. idlde*control*run.break*foreground:    red
  1124. idlde*control*run.break*idlAction:    IdlInterrupt()
  1125. idlde*control*run.break*hint.text:    Stop execution of the current code.
  1126. idlde*control*run.break*tip.text:    Stop execution.
  1128. !
  1129. ! The LOG window (resource name: "log") displays the output from the IDL
  1130. ! session. It uses a scrolled text widget to retain a large amount of
  1131. ! information. The logLines resource controls how many lines of text
  1132. ! are remembered. When Idlde hitslogLines lines, the logTrimLines
  1133. ! resource controls how many lines are removed from the end.
  1134. !
  1135. idlde*log*logLines:        500
  1136. idlde*log*logTrimLines:        125
  1137. idlde*log*columns:        80
  1138. idlde*log*rows:            10
  1139. idlde*log*logTitle:        Log Window
  1140. !
  1141. ! The bottom panel contains the command widget (resource name: "command").
  1142. ! This is where the user enters IDL commands.
  1144. !
  1145. ! Default bindings for command widget
  1146. !
  1147. idlde*command*translations:    #override \n\
  1148.     Ctrl<Key>a:    beginning-of-line()\n\
  1149.     Ctrl<Key>b:    backward-word()\n\
  1150.     Ctrl<Key>c:    IdlInterrupt()\n\
  1151.     Ctrl<Key>q:    IdlExit()\n\
  1152.     Ctrl<Key>e:    end-of-line()\n\
  1153.     Ctrl<Key>f:    forward-word()\n\
  1154.     Ctrl<Key>k:    delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
  1155.     Ctrl<Key>u:    delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
  1156.     Ctrl<Key>v:    delete-previous-word()\n\
  1157.     Ctrl<Key>d:    delete-next-character()\n\
  1158.     Ctrl<Key>y:    IdlClearLog()\n\
  1159.     <Key>Up:    IdlRecallCommand(BACK)\n\
  1160.     <Key>osfUp:    IdlRecallCommand(BACK)\n\
  1161.     <Key>Down:    IdlRecallCommand(FORWARD)\n\
  1162.     <Key>osfDown:    IdlRecallCommand(FORWARD)\n\
  1163.     <Key>Left:    backward-character()\n\
  1164.     <Key>Right:    forward-character()\n\
  1165.     <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  1166.     <Key>osfBackSpace:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  1167.     <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character()\n\
  1168.     <Key>osfDelete:    delete-previous-character()\n
  1170. !
  1171. ! Status Bar - initial string
  1172. !
  1173. idlde*TopForm*hintLabel.labelString:    Welcome to Idlde
  1174. idlde*CommandForm*hint.text:        Enter the IDL command.
  1176. !
  1177. ! About IDL dialog
  1178. !
  1179. idlde*about_popup*title:        About IDL
  1180. idlde*about*version.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1181. idlde*about*install.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1182. idlde*about*licensed.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1183. idlde*about*copyright.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1184. idlde*about*allrights.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1185. idlde*about*restricted.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1186. idlde*about*install.labelString:    Installation Number:
  1187. idlde*about*licensed.labelString:    Licensed for use by:    
  1188. idlde*about*ok.labelString:        OK
  1189. idlde*about*restricted.labelString:    \
  1190. Restricted Rights Legend:  Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software is\n\
  1191. subject to your license agreement with Research Systems, Inc.  Government\n\
  1192. use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restriction as set forth in\n\
  1193. subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software\n\
  1194. clause at DFAR 252.227-7013 and subparagraph (c)(2) of the Commercial\n\
  1195. Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19.
  1196. idlde*about*license.labelString:    This product is licensed to:
  1198. !
  1199. ! Preferences dialogs
  1200. !
  1201. idlde*preferencesDialog_popup*title:        Preferences
  1202. idlde*preferencesDialog*ok*labelString:        OK
  1203. idlde*preferencesDialog*apply*labelString:    Apply
  1204. idlde*preferencesDialog*save*labelString:    Save
  1205. idlde*preferencesDialog*cancel*labelString:    Cancel
  1206. idlde*preferencesDialog*help*labelString:    Help
  1207. idlde*preferencesDialog*label.labelString:    * - will take effect in the next session
  1208. idlde*preferencesDialog*help*help.text:         13050
  1209. !
  1210. idlde*preferencesDialog*generalPreferences*tabString:    General
  1211. idlde*generalPreferences*marginWidth:  2
  1212. idlde*generalPreferences*marginHeight: 2
  1213. idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP.labelString:        Hide:
  1214. idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP*viewGP.labelString:    View
  1215. idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP*controlGP.labelString:    Control
  1216. idlde*generalPreferences*hideGP*commandGP.labelString:    Command
  1217. idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP.labelString:        Hide Tools:
  1218. idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP*stdmacrosGP.labelString:  Standard
  1219. idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP*runmacrosGP.labelString:  Run&Debug
  1220. idlde*generalPreferences*macrosGP*usermacrosGP.labelString: User
  1221. idlde*generalPreferences*windowsGP.labelString:         Editor Windows Layout:
  1222. idlde*generalPreferences*windowsGP*multipleGP.labelString:    Multiple
  1223. idlde*generalPreferences*readonlyGP.labelString:        Open Files:
  1224. idlde*generalPreferences*readonlyGP*toggleGP.labelString:    Read Only
  1225. idlde*generalPreferences*splashGP.labelString:        *Initial Screen:
  1226. idlde*generalPreferences*splashGP*showGP.labelString:    Show
  1227. idlde*generalPreferences*loglinesGP.labelString:    *Lines to Save in Log Window:
  1228. idlde*generalPreferences*loglinesGP*loglinesGP.columns:    5
  1229. idlde*generalPreferences*ctrlrowsGP.labelString:    Rows in Control Panel:
  1230. idlde*generalPreferences*ctrlrowsGP*ctrlrowsGP.columns:    5
  1231. idlde*generalPreferences*exitsaveGP.labelString:    On Exit:
  1232. idlde*generalPreferences*exitsaveGP*exitsaveGP.labelString: Save Preferences
  1233. !
  1234. idlde*preferencesDialog*graphicsPreferences*tabString:    Graphics
  1235. idlde*graphicsPreferences*marginWidth:  2
  1236. idlde*graphicsPreferences*marginHeight: 2
  1237. idlde*graphicsPreferences*winwidthGRP.labelString:    Default Window Width:
  1238. idlde*graphicsPreferences*winwidthGRP.columns:        5
  1239. idlde*graphicsPreferences*winheightGRP.labelString:    Default Window Height:
  1240. idlde*graphicsPreferences*winheightGRP.columns:        5
  1241. idlde*graphicsPreferences*14screen.labelString:            Use
  1242. idlde*graphicsPreferences*14screen*toggleGP.labelString: 1/4 the screen size
  1243. idlde*graphicsPreferences*backingStore.labelString:    *Backing Store:
  1244. idlde*graphicsPreferences*noneBS.labelString:        None (RETAIN = 0)
  1245. idlde*graphicsPreferences*systemBS.labelString:        System (RETAIN = 1)
  1246. idlde*graphicsPreferences*pixmapBS.labelString:        Pixmap (RETAIN = 2)
  1247. !
  1248. idlde*preferencesDialog*startupPreferences*tabString:    Startup
  1249. idlde*startupPreferences.marginWidth:            5
  1250. idlde*startupPreferences*marginHeight:            10
  1251. idlde*idldirDialog_popup*title:            Select Idl Main Dir
  1252. idlde*startupPreferences*idldirTP*idldir*labelString: *Select Idl Main Dir...
  1253. idlde*stfileDialog_popup*title:            Select Startup File
  1254. idlde*startupPreferences*stfileTP*stfile*labelString: *Select Startup File...
  1255. idlde*startupPreferences*columns:            30
  1256. idlde*startupPreferences*nostfileTP.labelString:        
  1257. idlde*startupPreferences*nostfileTP*nostfile.labelString: *Don't Use Startup File
  1258. !
  1259. idlde*preferencesDialog*pathPreferences*tabString:    Paths
  1260. idlde*preferencesDialog*pathPreferences.marginWidth:    10
  1261. idlde*preferencesDialog*pathPreferences.marginHeight:    10
  1262. idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*labelString:        *IDL Files Search Path\n(appended to !Path;+ means search subdirectories):
  1263. idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*visibleItemCount:    10
  1264. idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*listSizePolicy:    XmRESIZE_IF_POSSIBLE
  1265. idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*scrollBarDisplayPolicy: XmSTATIC
  1266. idlde*pathPreferences*pathSP*path*selectionPolicy:    XmMULTIPLE_SELECT
  1267. idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP.labelString:        
  1268. idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP*add.labelString:    Add Path...
  1269. idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP*remove.labelString:    Remove
  1270. idlde*pathPreferences*pathbuttonsSP*expand.labelString:    Search Subdirectories
  1271. idlde*pathdirDialog_popup*title:            Select Path
  1272. idlde*pathdirDialog*fileTypeMask:            XmFILE_DIRECTORY
  1273. !
  1274. idlde*preferencesDialog*fontPreferences*tabString:    Fonts
  1275. idlde*preferencesDialog*fontPreferences.marginWidth:    2
  1276. idlde*preferencesDialog*fontPreferences.marginHeight:    2
  1277. idlde*fontPreferences*recomputeSize:            False
  1278. idlde*fontPreferences*XmPushButton*width:        150
  1279. idlde*fontPreferences*deflFP.labelString:        Default...
  1280. idlde*fontPreferences*mbarFP.labelString:        Menubar...
  1281. idlde*fontPreferences*editFP.labelString:        Edit...
  1282. idlde*fontPreferences*ctrlFP.labelString:        Control...
  1283. idlde*fontPreferences*logFP.labelString:        Log...
  1284. idlde*fontPreferences*cmdFP.labelString:        Command...
  1285. idlde*fontPreferences*columns:                30
  1286. idlde*preferencesDialog_popup*fontdlg_popup*title:    Select Font
  1288. !
  1289. ! Goto Line dialog
  1290. !
  1291. idlde*gotolineDialog_popup*title:        Goto Line
  1292. idlde*gotolineDialog*ok*labelString:        OK
  1293. idlde*gotolineDialog*cancel*labelString:    Cancel
  1294. idlde*gotolineDialog*goto*labelString:        Goto Line:
  1295. !
  1296. ! Find Replace dialog
  1297. !
  1298. idlde*searchDialog_popup*title:              Find / Replace
  1299. idlde*searchDialog*replace*labelString:          Replace
  1300. idlde*searchDialog*findreplace*labelString:   Replace&Find
  1301. idlde*searchDialog*find*labelString:          Find
  1302. idlde*searchDialog*cancel*labelString:        Cancel
  1303. idlde*searchDialog*help*labelString:          Help
  1304. idlde*searchDialog*findstring*labelString:    Find:
  1305. idlde*searchDialog*replacestring*labelString: Replace:
  1306. idlde*searchDialog*case*labelString:          Case:
  1307. idlde*searchDialog*sensitive*labelString:     Sensitive
  1308. idlde*searchDialog*nonsensitive*labelString:  Non-sensitive
  1309. idlde*searchDialog*direction*labelString:     Direction: 
  1310. idlde*searchDialog*forward*labelString:       Search Forward
  1311. idlde*searchDialog*backward*labelString:      Search Backward
  1312. idlde*searchDialog*position*labelString:      Start Position: 
  1313. idlde*searchDialog*start*labelString:         Top
  1314. idlde*searchDialog*current*labelString:       Current
  1315. idlde*searchDialog*end*labelString:           Bottom
  1316. idlde*searchDialog*help*help.text:            13040
  1317. !
  1318. ! Complex Breakpoint dialog
  1319. !
  1320. idlde*cbreakpointDialog_popup*title:          Complex Breakpoint
  1321. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*ok*labelString:          OK
  1322. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*choose*labelString:   File...
  1323. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*cancel*labelString:   Cancel
  1324. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*help*labelString:     Help
  1325. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*file*labelString:     File:
  1326. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*line*labelString:     Line:
  1327. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*once*labelString:     One-Time Breakpoint
  1328. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*after*labelString:    Break After:
  1329. idlde*cbreakpointDialog*help*help.text:       13040
  1331. idlde*filecbreakpointDialog*pattern:        *.pro
  1332. idlde*filecbreakpointDialog_popup*title:    Choose File
  1333. !
  1334. ! Trace dialog
  1335. !
  1336. idlde*traceDialog_popup*title:            Trace
  1337. idlde*traceDialog*run*labelString:        Run
  1338. idlde*traceDialog*stop*labelString:        Stop
  1339. idlde*traceDialog*cancel*labelString:        Cancel
  1340. idlde*traceDialog*help*labelString:        Help
  1341. idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*titleString:    Step Interval (sec)
  1342. idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*minimum:        1
  1343. idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*maximum:        100
  1344. idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*value:         10
  1345. idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*showValue:        True
  1346. idlde*traceDialog*stepslider*decimalPoints:     1
  1347. idlde*traceDialog*fspeed*labelString:        Full Speed
  1348. idlde*traceDialog*stepout*labelString:        Use Step Over
  1349. idlde*traceDialog*help*help.text:               13040
  1350. !
  1351. ! Edit Macros Dialog
  1352. !
  1353. idlde*editmacroDialog_popup*title:        Edit Macros
  1354. idlde*editmacroDialog*ok*labelString:        OK
  1355. idlde*editmacroDialog*add*labelString:        Add
  1356. idlde*editmacroDialog*replace*labelString:    Change
  1357. idlde*editmacroDialog*remove*labelString:    Remove
  1358. idlde*editmacroDialog*cancel*labelString:    Cancel
  1359. idlde*editmacroDialog*help*labelString:        Help
  1360. idlde*editmacroDialog*tfrname*labelString:    Name  :       
  1361. idlde*editmacroDialog*tfminame*labelString:    Label :  
  1362. idlde*editmacroDialog*tfbitmap*labelString:    Bitmap:
  1363. idlde*editmacroDialog*tfstatus*labelString:    Status bar text:
  1364. idlde*editmacroDialog*tftip*labelString:    Tip text:
  1365. idlde*editmacroDialog*tfcommand*labelString:    IDL Command:
  1366. idlde*editmacroDialog*tfaction*labelString:    IDL Action:
  1367. idlde*editmacroDialog*lblmmacro*labelString:    Menu Macros:
  1368. idlde*editmacroDialog*lbltmacro*labelString:    Toolbar Macros:
  1369. idlde*editmacroDialog*lblnew*labelString:    Macro Attributes:
  1370. idlde*editmacroDialog*lstmmacro*visibleItemCount: 5
  1371. idlde*editmacroDialog*lsttmacro*visibleItemCount: 5
  1372. idlde*editmacroDialog*tglmenu*labelString:    Menu
  1373. idlde*editmacroDialog*tgltoolbar*labelString:    Toolbar
  1374. idlde*editmacroDialog*help*help.text:           13100
  1375. !
  1376. ! Print Dialog
  1377. !
  1378. idlde*printerManager_popup*title:        Print Setup
  1379. idlde*printDialog_popup*title:            Print
  1380. idlde*printDialog*print*labelString:        Print
  1381. idlde*printDialog*cancel*labelString:        Cancel
  1382. idlde*printDialog*help*labelString:        Help
  1383. idlde*printDialog*numbering*labelString:    Numbered Lines
  1384. idlde*printDialog*folding*labelString:        Wrapped Lines
  1385. idlde*printDialog*twinpage*labelString:        Two Pages
  1386. idlde*printDialog*header*labelString:        Header
  1387. idlde*printDialog*help*help.text:               13040
  1388. !
  1389. ! Exit dialog
  1390. !
  1391. idlde*exitDialog_popup*title:        Exit Confirmation
  1392. idlde*exitDialog*messageString:        EXIT
  1393. !
  1394. ! File Changed Dialog
  1395. !
  1396. idlde*fileChangedDialog_popup*title:           File Changed
  1397. idlde*fileChangedDialog*messageString:         File %F\nhas changed on disk since loaded.\nDo you want to:
  1398. idlde*fileChangedDialog*okLabelString:        Reload
  1399. idlde*fileChangedDialog*cancelLabelString:    Ignore Changes
  1400. idlde*fileChangedDialog*helpLabelString:    Cancel
  1401. !
  1402. ! Warning messages for control commands
  1403. !
  1404. idlde*missingFile_popup*title:           Missing Filename
  1405. idlde*missingFile*messageString:    Filename is missing.\nUnable to execute the command.
  1406. idlde*missingSelection_popup*title:    Missing Selection
  1407. idlde*missingSelection*messageString:  No selection is available.\nUnable to execute the command.
  1408. idlde*notCompiled_popup*title:           Not Compiled
  1409. idlde*notCompiled*messageString:       File is NOT compiled.\nCompile the file first.
  1410. idlde*missingDefinition_popup*title:   Missing Definition
  1411. idlde*missingDefinition*messageString: Unable to find the definition\nof the selected function/procedure.\n
  1412. idlde*modifiedFileBreak_popup*title:   Modified File
  1413. idlde*modifiedFileBreak*messageString: File was modified.\nPlease save the file before setting breakpoint.
  1414. idlde*modifiedFileExec_popup*title:    Modified File
  1415. idlde*modifiedFileExec*messageString:  File was modified.\nPlease save the file before executing.
  1416. idlde*errorPrintFile_popup*title:      Print File Error
  1417. idlde*errorPrintFile*messageString:    Filename is missing,\nor unable to print the file.
  1418. idlde*missingMacroType_popup*title:    Edit Macro
  1419. idlde*missingMacroType*messageString:  Menu and/or Toolbar Macro must be selected.
  1420. idlde*missingMacroName_popup*title:    Edit Macro
  1421. idlde*missingMacroName*messageString:  Macro Name must be specified.
  1422. idlde*missingMacroMitem_popup*title:   Edit Macro
  1423. idlde*missingMacroMitem*messageString: Macro Menu Item must be specified.
  1424. idlde*missingMacroBitmap_popup*title:  Edit Macro
  1425. idlde*missingMacroBitmap*messageString: Macro Bitmap file must be specified.
  1426. idlde*missingMacroCommand_popup*title: Edit Macro
  1427. idlde*missingMacroCommand*messageString: Macro IDL Command or Action must be specified.